DC Database

Quote1 Sorry, Killer Moth. I already have the world's finest partner. Quote2
Batgirl src

Batgirl is incredibly smart. She is actually so smart that she got into Super Hero High with her brain alone, since she has no natural superpowers. When she isn't working on her detective skills, she is inventing incredibly gadgets.

At the beginning Barbara was the school's IT expert and not a hero. Supergirl -who quickly would become her best friend- encouraged her to become a hero and even stitched up a costume for Barbara. From that point on, Barbara claimed the "Batgirl" name.


  • Computer Operation: Working with her GPS, hacking security systems, Batgirl is the computer whiz ready to do it.
  • Computer Hacking: Working with her GPS, hacking security systems, Batgirl is the computer whiz ready to do it.
  • Martial Arts: Batgirl’s just as comfortable throwing a roundhouse kick as she is fixing a motherboard.
  • Gymnastics
  • Investigation: With advanced deduction skills, Batgirl is a natural-born detective, who loves solving complex problems and finding the clues that others may have missed.
  • Eidetic Memory




  • Batgirl is known as the Technowizard due to her cool, intelligent and martial nature.


External Links

Template:Batgirl Links

