In the 1950s, Bargovia was a small democracy, bordered to the north, west, south by the massive and hostile dictatorship of Russlo.
In 1953 the Russlo dictator Zaran attempted to arrest and "disappear" the Bargovian Ambassador, but was foiled, and almost captured, by the Blackhawk Squadron.
Frustrated but undeterred, Zaran then attacked Bargovia with a titanic armored vehicle comprising two giant rocket tractors dragging an enormous chain between them, inflicting massive civilian casualties and leveling a wide swathe thru Bargovia's main city. A bombing strike by the Blackhawk Squadron was ineffective against this monstrosity, but with a trick they were able to lure Dictator Zaran onto the field in person, and almost captured him alive. Zaran fled the field, but a battlefield accident had thrown the "World Destroyer" into reverse gear, sending it racing right behind him, back towards the mountain pass thru which they had arrived. The runaway machine smashed much of the Russlo Army, and Dictator Zaran, then continued to roll across Russlo until it finally ran out of fuel.
Points of Interest
- Barnak
- Kajia
- Border with Russlo
- Mountain Pass invasion route
- Mountain Pass invasion route
- Dr. Schun, Bargovian Ambassador
- President Adax, of Bargovia
See Also
- Appearances of Bargovia
- Location Gallery: Bargovia
- Catalogued images related to Bargovia