Hardcover collection of stories featuring the various young women known as Batgirl. Despite its title, this collection spans 53 years -- from 1961 to 2014 -- beginning with the debut of Betty Kane, the original Bat-Girl.
This trade paperback collects stories from the following isses:
- Batman #139 - "Bat-Girl!" from April, 1961
- Detective Comics #359 - "The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl!" from January, 1967
- Batgirl: Year One #4 - "Cave Dwellers" from May, 2003
- Detective Comics #371 - "Batgirl's Costume Cut-Ups!" from January, 1968
- Detective Comics #422 - "The Unmasking of Batgirl!" from April, 1972
- Detective Comics #423 - "Candidate for Danger!" from May, 1972
- Detective Comics #424 - "Batgirl's Last Case" from June, 1972
- Batman Family #9 - "Startling Secret of the Devilish Daughters!" from February, 1977
- Detective Comics #518 - "He with Secrets Fears the Sound..." from September, 1982
- Detective Comics #519 - "...When Velvet Paws Caress the Ground!" from October, 1982
- Batgirl Special #1 - "The Last Batgirl Story" from July, 1988
- Batman Chronicles #5 - "Oracle -- Year One: Born of Hope" from June, 1996
- Birds of Prey #8 - "On Wings" from August, 1999
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 - "Assembly" from August, 1999
- Batgirl #8 - "Batgirl" from November, 2000
- Batgirl #45 - "Soul" from December, 2003
- Batgirl (Volume 3) #4 - "Batgirl Rising: Field Test" from January, 2010
- Batgirl (Volume 3) #13 - "Trust" from October, 2010
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #0 - "A Fire in the Heavens" from November, 2012
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #35 - "Burned" from December, 2014