Batgirl faces up to a new complication: an unknown party is leaking her secrets out and messing up with her memory. Who is her new enemy? May he or she be closer than she suspects?
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #46 (Gang War)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #47 (Police + Thieves)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #48 (Old Friends)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #49 (Mindfield)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #50 (Open Mind)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #51 (The Gladius Offensive, Part 1)
- Batgirl (Volume 4) #52 (Turning the Page)
- Batgirl: Endgame #1 (The Battle for Burnside Bridge)