Batgirl volunteers to campaign for an up-and-coming reformer candidate who wants to take on the GCPD. That puts Barbara in a tough spot against her father the police commissioner James Gordon.
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #30 (Old Enemies - Part One)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #31 (Old Enemies - Part Two)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #32 (Old Enemies - Finale)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #33 (Blow Out)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #34 (Terrible, Part 1 of 3)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #35 (Terrible, Part 2 of 3)
- Batgirl (Volume 5) #36 (Terrible, Finale)