Batman: Abyss is a collection of Joshua Williamson’s story arc on Batman (Volume 3). It also collects the backup stories starring Maps Mizoguchi.
- Batman (Volume 3) #118 (The Abyss, Part 1: "Now it's a Party!")
- Batman (Volume 3) #119 (The Abyss, Part 2: "Old and New Enemies")
- Batman (Volume 3) #120 (The Abyss, Part 3: "Escape")
- Batman (Volume 3) #121 (The Abyss, Finale)
- Batman (Volume 3) #124 (Abyss, Finale)
- Batman (Volume 3) #119 (They Make Great Pets)
- Batman (Volume 3) #120 (They Make Great Pets, Part 2)
- Batman (Volume 3) #121 (They Make Great Pets, Part 3)