Batman: City of Bane Part 2 is the thirteenth and final collection of Tom King’s run on Batman (Volume 3), collecting the second half of the City of Bane storyline.
- Batman (Volume 3) #80 (City of Bane, Part 6)
- Batman (Volume 3) #81 (City of Bane, Part 7)
- Batman (Volume 3) #82 (City of Bane, Part 8)
- Batman (Volume 3) #83 (City of Bane, Part 9)
- Batman (Volume 3) #84 (City of Bane, Part 10)
- Batman (Volume 3) #85 (City of Bane, Conclusion)
- Batman Annual (Volume 3) #4 (Everyday.)
The complete City of Bane storyline was later collected in one volume as Batman: City of Bane: The Complete Collection.