Batman: Dark Victory is a 14-issue comic miniseries written by Jeph Loeb with art by Tim Sale. It was published from 1999 to 2000 as a direct sequel to The Long Halloween, and centers around the Batman's investigation into a new serial killer known as "The Hangman" in the aftermath of the Holiday murders, while also trying to raise an orphaned Dick Grayson.
Like its predecessor, it was met with widespread acclaim for its dark storytelling and art, and complex character development. Elements of it were loosely adapted in HBO's The Penguin. It had a tie-in limited series, Catwoman: When in Rome, and was followed by the sequels Robin: Year One and The Last Halloween.
- Batman: Dark Victory #0
- Batman: Dark Victory #1
- Batman: Dark Victory #2
- Batman: Dark Victory #3
- Batman: Dark Victory #4
- Batman: Dark Victory #5
- Batman: Dark Victory #6
- Batman: Dark Victory #7
- Batman: Dark Victory #8
- Batman: Dark Victory #9
- Batman: Dark Victory #10
- Batman: Dark Victory #11
- Batman: Dark Victory #12
- Batman: Dark Victory #13
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Batman: Dark Victory Vol 1
- Collections from Batman: Dark Victory Vol 1
- Images from Batman: Dark Victory Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Batman: Dark Victory Vol 1
- Batman: Year One
- Batman: The Long Halloween (Volume 1)
- Robin: Year One (Volume 1)
- Catwoman: When in Rome (Volume 1)
- Batman: The Long Halloween - The Last Halloween (Volume 1)