This paperback collects the Batman: Evolution storyline. This storyline originally was published from March to November, 2000 in the comic book series Detective Comics. This story was written by Greg Rucka and illustrated by Shawn Martinbrough, John Watkiss, William Rosado, and Phil Hester.
This paperback collects the following comic books stories:
- Detective Comics #743 (Evolution I: Whispers in the Dark)
- Detective Comics #744 (Evolution II: Unity of Purpose)
- Detective Comics #745 (Evolution III: Law of the Land)
- Detective Comics #746 (Evolution IV: Aftertaste)
- Detective Comics #747 (Happy Birthday Two You)
- Detective Comics #748 (Urban Renewal, Part One)
- Detective Comics #749 (Urban Renewal, Part Two)
- Detective Comics #750 (Dependence)