I Am Suicide is a five-part Batman story-line written by Tom King and illustrated by Mikel Janín, featuring Batman putting together his own Suicide Squad to face off against Bane. Their mission: to retrieve the villain Psycho Pirate from Santa Prisca, in order to cure the mentally damaged Gotham Girl.
Bane confides in Psycho-Pirate, seeking a cure for the trauma from his past. He no longer relies on Venom but wishes for Psycho-Pirate’s power to give him emotional freedom. Simultaneously, at Wayne Manor, Bruce is deeply concerned about Gotham Girl whose mental state is deteriorating. He heads to Arkham Asylum to gather a group of rogues that can help him infiltrate Santa Prisca. Among the rogues he recruits are Arnold Wesker (the Ventriloquist), Bronze Tiger, Catwoman, Punch, and Jewlee.
Batman flies to Santa Prisca in his Batwing, delivering a clear ultimatum to Bane: hand over Psycho-Pirate or face consequences. Bane’s forces shoot down the Batwing, and Batman is captured, tortured, and imprisoned in the same cell Bane once inhabited as a child. Batman, however, had planned for this, and through sheer willpower, he escapes the cell, unlocking the prison entrance for Catwoman and the Ventriloquist, who were part of his plan to take down Bane.
Meanwhile, Punch, Jewlee, and Bronze Tiger also advance within Santa Prisca, leading to an intense confrontation with Bane. In a surprising twist, Catwoman appears to betray her allies by offering Bane information on how to break Batman.
Bane calls out to Batman through the loudspeakers, luring him into the throne room. After a grueling fight through the prison, Batman reaches Bane, kneeling in exhaustion in front of him. Catwoman's signal initiates the final confrontation as she and Batman attack Bane. Bronze Tiger secures the room, and Ventriloquist, with the help of his alter ego Scarface, subdues Psycho-Pirate.
The team makes their escape, with Punch and Jewlee awaiting them on a makeshift boat. Batman pauses to reflect on Bane’s fate, warning him to heed his own words. Despite their victory, Batman and Catwoman share a bittersweet moment, knowing they cannot be together. Bane, defeated and enraged, calls for Venom, signaling that the battle may be over, but the war with Bane is far from finished.
- Batman (Volume 3) #9
- Batman (Volume 3) #10
- Batman (Volume 3) #11
- Batman (Volume 3) #12
- Batman (Volume 3) #13
- This story-line is Part 2 of 3 of the "I Am" trilogy; the first part being Batman: I Am Gotham and the last part being Batman: I Am Bane.
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