This hardcover Batman collection is the second of three volumes to collect the Batman stories illustrated by Jim Aparo. It contains the Jim Aparo illustrated stories that were published in The Brave and the Bold (Volume 1) from December 1975 to June 1979 and two Jim Aparo illustrated stories that were published in Detective Comics (Volume 1) in November 1973 and January 1974.
This collection reprints stories from the following comic book issues:
- The Brave and the Bold #123 (How to Make a Super-Hero! from December, 1975)
- The Brave and the Bold #124 (Small War of the Super Rifles from January, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #125 (Streets of Poison from March, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #126 (What Lurks Below Buoy 13 from April, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #127 (Dead Man's Quadrangle from June, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #128 (Death by the Ounce from July, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #129 (The Claws of the Emperor Eagle from September, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #130 (Death at Rainbow's End from October, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #131 (Take 7 Steps to... Wipe-Out! from December, 1976)
- The Brave and the Bold #132 (Batman--Dragon Slayer? from February, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #133 (Another Kind of Justice! from April, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #134 (Demolishment! from May, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #135 (More Than Human! from July, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #136 (Legacy of the Doomed! from September, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #138 (Mile High Tombstone! from November, 1977)
- The Brave and the Bold #139 (Requiem for a Top Cop! from January, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #140 (Dastardly Events Aboard The Hellship! from March, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #141 (Pay - or Die! from May, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #142 (Enigma of the Death-Ship! from July, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #143 (Cast the First Stone from September, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #144 (The Arrow of Eternity from November, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #145 (A Choice of Dooms! from December, 1978)
- The Brave and the Bold #147 (Death-Scream from the Sky! from February, 1979)
- The Brave and the Bold #148 (The Night the Mob Stole Xmas! from March, 1979)
- The Brave and the Bold #149 (Look Homeward, Runaway! from April, 1979)
- The Brave and the Bold #150 (Today Gotham... Tomorrow the World! from May, 1979)
- The Brave and the Bold #151 (Disco of Death from June, 1979)
- Detective Comics #437 (Deathmask from November, 1973)
- Detective Comics #438 (A Monster Walks Wayne Manor from January, 1974)