This hardcover Batman collection is a collection of Batman stories illustrated by Marshall Rogers.
This collection reprints stories from the following comic book issues:
- Detective Comics #468 (Battle of the Thinking Machines from April, 1977)
- Detective Comics #471 (The Dead Yet Live from July, 1977)
- Detective Comics #472 (I Am the Batman! from September, 1977)
- Detective Comics #473 (The Malay Penguin from November, 1977)
- Detective Comics #474 (The Deadshot Ricochet from December, 1977)
- Detective Comics #475 (The Laughing Fish from February, 1978)
- Detective Comics #476 (Sign of the Joker! from April, 1978)
- Detective Comics #478 (The Coming of... Clayface III! from August, 1978)
- Detective Comics #479 (If a Man be Made of Clay from October, 1978)
- DC Special Series #15 (Death Strikes at Midnight and Three from June, 1978)
- Detective Comics #481 (Ticket to Tragedy from January, 1979)
- Secret Origins (Volume 2) #6 (The Secret Origin of Batman from September, 1986)
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #132 (Siege, Part One: Assembly from August, 2000)
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #133 (Siege, Part Two : Assault from September, 2000)
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #134 (Siege, Part Three: Breach from October, 2000)
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #135 (Siege, Part Four: Battle from November, 2000)
- Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #136 (Siege, Part Five: Defense from December, 2000)
- Batman: Dark Detective #1 (Some Enchanted Evening from July, 2005)
- Batman: Dark Detective #2 (You May See a Stranger from July, 2005)
- Batman: Dark Detective #3 (Two Faces Have I from August, 2005)
- Batman: Dark Detective #4 (Thriller from August, 2005)
- Batman: Dark Detective #5 (Everybody Dance Now from September, 2005)
- Batman: Dark Detective #6 (House from September, 2005)
- This collection contains a part of the Batman: Strange Apparitions storyline (Detective Comics #469 to #479 without #477).
- This collection also contains the Siege storyline from Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #132 to #136 and the Batman: Dark Detective (Volume 1) mini-series.
- This collection was republished in 2017.