Prodigal is a Batman crossover written by Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant and Doug Moench with illustrations by Bret Blevins, M.D. Bright, John Cleary, Mike Gustovich, Phil Jimenez, Graham Nolan, Ron Wagner and Lee Weeks. The storyline features Dick Grayson temporarily replacing Bruce Wayne as Batman. This takes place directly following the Knightfall crossover and tie-ins to the Zero Hour event, then leads into the Troika crossover. It's published directly following Zero Month through Batman, Batman: Shadow of the Bat, Detective Comics and Robin.
- Batman #512
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat #32
- Detective Comics #679
- Robin (Volume 2) #11
- Batman #513
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat #33
- Detective Comics #680
- Robin (Volume 2) #12
- Batman #514
- Batman: Shadow of the Bat #34
- Detective Comics #681
- Robin (Volume 2) #13
- In this storyline, Bruce Wayne is absent most of the time and left Dick Grayson the mantle of the bat. During the No Man's Land storyline, it is revealed that during his absence, Bruce built underground caves across Gotham City as "insurance" for emergencies, like Bane or similar situations.[1]
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Batman Family Storyline This event or storyline is specifically related to Batman, or to members of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Batman Storylines category. |