The citizens are in despair. I have tasted their dark thoughts. They need me to free them from their emotional bondage. They need the bliss only I can bring!
- — Narcosis
Batman: Shadow of the Bat #79 is an issue of the series Batman: Shadow of the Bat (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1998.
Synopsis for "The Blank Generation, Part Two: A Favorable Wind"
The Mad Hatter offers his help to Narcosis to bliss-out Gotham City if in return Narcosis will hand over his shroud to Hatter. Narcosis agrees and they go to the place where they will start releasing the dream gas to all the city.
Batman is looking for Narcosis to prevent him from claiming more victims to his dream gas. Batman asks Oracle for help and references of possible locations where Narcosis could be. After Batman makes sure that Narcosis isn't in his bed at Gotham's Hospital ruins, he follows a lead given by Oracle.
James Nairin and all the people at the quake shelter are planning to have a party for the good news about Wayne Enterprises helping them to stay in the city and start their own business. A few moments later, Lucius Fox joins them and they all share a good time, wondering why Bruce Wayne isn't there.
When Mad Hatter and Narcosis arrive at a chemical plant, they break in to take the chemicals needed to create Narcosis' dream gas. Hatter is impressed by Narcosis idea of poisoning the city and he tells Narcosis that they could demand a ransom from the city so they don't release the gas. Narcosis refuses as his only idea is to bring "bliss to the suffering people" without any reward. Hatter doesn't like the idea and betrays Narcosis by telling his henchmen to attack the man. When Narcosis is down, Hatter takes his shroud from him, revealing his scarred face. Batman arrives at the plant but it is a little late as the gas is already spreading from the plant's chimney. Batman destroys the chimney with a missile and then heads to stop the criminals behind it all. Oracle calls the police and tells them to use a helicopter to try and disperse the already released gas. Batman finds Hatter and Narcosis and the two criminals attack him, but Batman manages to knock out Narcosis and Tetch's henchmen. Hatter fires his gun towards Batman but the dark knight dodges it and the bullet hits a butane gas tank causing a big explosion that kills Narcosis along with the Hatter's henchmen.
The helicopter uses fuel vapor and a flare gun to burn the dispersed dream gas creating a colorful cloud in the sky. The people of Gotham see it as a sign of good fortune for the future. Batman recovers from the impact and knocks Mad Hatter unconscious.
Appearing in "The Blank Generation, Part Two: A Favorable Wind"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mad Hatter
- Burt (Dies)
- Karno (Dies)
- Narcosis (Dies)
Other Characters:
- National Guard
- James Nairin
- Mary Nairin
- Gotham City
- Oracle's Watchtower
- Wayne Manor
- A.Z. Chemicals Plant
- Batcave (Cover only)
- Batrope
- Giant Penny (Cover only)
- This issue is reprinted in Batman: Road to No Man's Land Vol. 1.
See Also
- Cover gallery for the Batman: Shadow of the Bat series
- Images from Batman: Shadow of the Bat Vol 1 79
Recommended Reading
Links and References
Batman: Cataclysm Crossover This issue is a part of the Cataclysm crossover that swept through all Batman Family Titles during 1998. Gotham City was almost completely destroyed by a massive earthquake. This story led into the events that would eventually create No Man's Land. Cataclysm
Detective Comics #719 • Shadow of the Bat #73 • Nightwing #19 • Batman #553 • Azrael #40 • Detective Comics #720 • Catwoman #56 • Robin #52 • Blackgate: Isle of Men #1 • Shadow of the Bat #74 • Batman Chronicles #12 • Nightwing #20 • Batman #554 • Huntress/Spoiler #1 • Detective Comics #721 • Catwoman #57 • Arkham Asylum: Tales of Madness #1 • Robin #53 Aftershock
Shadow of the Bat #75 • Batman #555 • Detective Comics #722 • Shadow of the Bat #76 • Robin #54 • Batman #556 • Shadow of the Bat #77 • Batman #557 • Detective Comics #724 • Shadow of the Bat #78 • Shadow of the Bat #79 • Batman Chronicles #14 • Batman #558 • Batman #559 • Detective Comics #725 • Detective Comics #726 |