Batman: The Bat and the Cat: 80 Years of Romance is a hardcover collection of stories focusing on both Batman and Catwoman, released as a celebration of their romance and the 80th anniversary of their first meeting in Batman #1.
- Batman #1 ("The Cat")
- Batman #3 ("The Batman vs. the Cat-Woman")
- Batman #15 ("Your Face is Your Fortune")
- Batman #324
- The Brave and the Bold #197
- Batman #392
- Solo #1 ("Date Knight")
- Batman #615
- Catwoman (Volume 3) #32
- Batman (Volume 3) #24
- Batman (Volume 3) #44
- Batman (Volume 3) #50
- Contains a pinup gallery of covers from issues featuring Batman and Catwoman across decades, plus designs of Catwoman's wedding dress from Batman (Volume 3) #50.