Batman: The Dark Knight - Clay is the fourth and final collection of stories from the rebooted comic book series Batman: The Dark Knight.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #22 (Breaking Point)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #23 (Rampant)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #24 (Captive Audience)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #25 (Full House)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #26 (Voiceless, Part One)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #27 (Angel of Darkness)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #28 (Corporate Raider)
- Batman: The Dark Knight (Volume 2) #29 (In the Shadow)