This paperback the Batman: Under the Hood storyline. This storyline originally was published from February to May, 2006 in the comic book series Batman. This story was written by Judd Winick, and illustrated by Doug Mahnke, Paul Lee, Shane Davis and Eric Battle. It was published to coincide with the release of the animated movie of the same name.
In this story Batman is confronted with a hidden face from the past: the return of the Red Hood. With Black Mask controlling the Gotham underworld, what role will Red Hood have when all is said and done?
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Batman #635 (Under the Hood, Part One: New Business)
- Batman #636 (Under the Hood, Part Two: First Strike)
- Batman #637 (Under the Hood, Part Three: Overnight Deliveries)
- Batman #638 (Under the Hood, Part Four: Bidding War)
- Batman #639 (Family Reunion, Part One: The Word on the Street)
- Batman #640 (Family Reunion, Part Two: While the Cat's Away)
- Batman #641 (Family Reunion, Conclusion: Face to Face)
- Batman #645 (Show Me Yesterday, For I Can't Find Today)
- Batman #646 (Franchise, Part One: Supply Side Economics)
- Batman #647 (Franchise, Part Two: The Away Team)
- Batman #648 (All They Do is Watch Us Kill, Part One)
- Batman #649 (All They Do is Watch Us Kill, Part Two)
- Batman #650 (All They Do is Watch Us Kill, Part Three: It Only Hurts When I Laugh)
- Batman Annual #25 (Daedalus and Icarus - The Return Of Jason Todd)
- This is not the first paperback that releases the Batman: Under the Hood storyline. The first time the storyline was published in two separate paperbacks: Batman: Under the Hood Vol 1 and Batman: Under the Hood Vol 2.