DC Database

"Ep. 56 - Why We Fight (Part 2)": In the Batcave, Alfred meets Red Robin, who is carrying the unconscious Batman. Tim explains that he has already administered the antidote to Scarecrow's fear toxin, but Batman still remains insensate. Alfred explains they have no choice but to wait. Tim blam

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #56 is a chapter in the digital-first series Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of October, 2022.

Synopsis for "Ep. 56 - Why We Fight (Part 2)"

In the Batcave, Alfred meets Red Robin, who is carrying the unconscious Batman. Tim explains that he has already administered the antidote to Scarecrow's fear toxin, but Batman still remains insensate. Alfred explains they have no choice but to wait. Tim blames himself, but Alfred insists it's Scarecrow's fault and that Batman is fighting to return to them.

This proves to be true, as in his mind Batman is literally fighting Scarecrow, but the villain easily overpowers him, mocking his mission. For every criminal Batman stops a ten more take to the streets. For every crime he foils, a hundred more are put into action. In his attmepts to make fear his weapon, he's only made the villains of Gotham stronger. And no matter what he does, he'll never bring back his parents. He's alone and will always be alone.

Bruce is dejected for a moment, then raises his face and reject's the phantom Scarecrow's arguments. Bruce knows he is not alone, as he is surrounded by visions of his adopted family. He explains his mission was never about bringing back his parents: it was about protecting others, like his family and like himself. He will never give up on them just as his family will never give up on him. Sparing a laugh at the cowed vision of Scarecrow, Bruce muses that he is "always so much scarier in [his] head" before turning and exiting the dream world.

Later that day, Bruce and Tim discuss what happened, Tim wanting to know why Bruce gave him his rebreather. Bruce explains that while Tim believes Robin's job is to protect Batman, his job is to protect Tim. Tim argues that is goes both ways, and the rest of the family feels the same. The two agree that's just how their family is and embrace as Alfred looks on, smiling.

Appearing in "Ep. 56 - Why We Fight (Part 2)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Scarecrow (In a vision)
    • Bane (First appearance) (In a vision)
    • The Joker (In a vision)
    • The Riddler (First appearance) (In a vision)
    • Two-Face (First appearance) (In a vision)

Other Characters:





  • Bruce's comment that Tim believes protecting Batman is "Robin's job" is a reference to Tim's introduction and subsequent adoption of the Robin mantle in the storyline Batman: A Lonely Place of Dying.

See Also

Links and References
