DC Database

"Ep. 60 - What Matters Most (Part 1)": Harper is talking on the phone with Stephanie, planning to meet up later, when Harper hears a call for help. She hangs up and goes to investigate. A young couple is being threatened by a trio of hoodlums. Harper easily dispatches them with a combination

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #60 is a chapter in the digital-first series Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of November, 2022.

Synopsis for "Ep. 60 - What Matters Most (Part 1)"

Harper is talking on the phone with Stephanie, planning to meet up later, when Harper hears a call for help. She hangs up and goes to investigate. A young couple is being threatened by a trio of hoodlums. Harper easily dispatches them with a combination of martial arts and a taser.

Afterwards, she and Stephanie meet up on the roof of Wayne Manor. Stephanie asks why Harper seems so down. Harper tells her that she was the only one to stand up for her brother when he was bullied, and later joined Batman, because he seemed to be the only one standing up to the "bigger bullies" in Gotham, but despite all she's done it isn't enough; people in Gotham are still afraid.

Stephanie offers her support. Harper thanks her but turns the offer down, believing she has to figure out an answer for herself. She also turns down Stephanie's offer of an inspirational playlist.

Appearing in "Ep. 60 - What Matters Most (Part 1)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Unnamed thugs (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed couple (Single appearance)
  • Cullen Row (Mentioned only)



  • Bluebird rifle
  • Taser


See Also

Links and References
