DC Database

"Ep. 62 - Live From New York": While in New York City for a "boring" fundraiser, Duke and Damian slip away and don their costumes to investigate a local kidnapping case. They come across the kidnappers' hideout and split up to infiltrate. However, Duke is interrupted by a young woman whom

Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #62 is a chapter in the digital-first series Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of December, 2022.

Synopsis for "Ep. 62 - Live From New York"

While in New York City for a "boring" fundraiser, Duke and Damian slip away and don their costumes to investigate a local kidnapping case. They come across the kidnappers' hideout and split up to infiltrate. However, Duke is interrupted by a young woman whom he presumes to be one of the kidnappers. When he attempts to restrain her, she easily throws him over her shoulder. The two exchange threats, only to realize neither of them is working with the kidnappers. The woman recognizes the Bat symbol on Signal's chest, and he recognizes her Batman's files (much to her surprise and pleasure): Mari Jiwe, A.K.A. Vixen. Mari's friend Grace joins them . . . alongside a "feral" Robin. The four realize they share a common goal and agree to work together.

A short while later the four are on the roof watching the police arrive. Duke and Mari are happy with how things worked out, though Damian and Grace remain acerbic to one another. Still, Damian admits they were "adequate," a rare compliment.

Appearing in "Ep. 62 - Live From New York"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kidnappers (Single appearance)

Other Characters:






  • Duke was trained by Catwoman in lock picking.
  • Based on her reactions, Mari apparently holds the Bat family in high esteem.

See Also

Links and References
