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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures #6 is a chapter in the digital-first series Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of September, 2021.
Synopsis for "Ep. 6 - Favoritism"
In Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne asks about a box that Dick Grayson is carrying. Dick explains that the box is full of Justice League memorabilia, and that he bought everyone items relating to their favorite heroes. Dick turns, revealing that the jacket he's wearing has a Superman logo.
Bruce mutters that it “figures” that Dick has a Superman item, but as time goes on he sees all of his family and friends have items with the logos of other heroes. Jason Todd has Wonder Woman pants, Barbara Gordon is wearing a Black Canary t-shirt, and Duke Thomas has Flash sneakers. Bruce is visibly frustrated, but assures Duke that he is alright when asked.
At dinner, Bruce reaches a breaking point when confronted with Stephanie Brown's slurping out of a Green Arrow cup, crying “Green Arrow, Stephanie? Really?!” Stephanie argues in Green Arrow's defense, citing that he fights with the Justice League despite not having powers, and shoots down Bruce's protests that he does that too.
At a Justice League meeting in the Watchtower, Superman asks Green Arrow if Batman seems “broodier than usual.” Batman is visibly sulking, which Green Arrow denies as out of the ordinary.
Appearing in "Ep. 6 - Favoritism"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Justice League (First appearance)
- Flash (First appearance)
- Green Arrow (First appearance)
- Superman (First appearance)
- Wonder Woman (First appearance)
See Also
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- Images from Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Vol 1 6 (Digital)
- Images from Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Vol 1 6 (Digital)