This paperback is the second collection of stories from the comic book series Batman Adventures. These ten stories were originally published from October, 2003 to February, 2004. The stories were written by Ty Templeton, Dan Slott, Gabe Soria, and Vito Delsante. The illustrations are by Rick Burchett and Dean Haspiel.
This paperback collects the following comic books:
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2) #5 (Shot to the Heart and Liar Liar)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2) #6 (Playing with Matches and Two Minute Warning)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2) #7 (A Bat in the House and The First Time)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2) #8 (Masquerade and Face to Face)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2) #9 (Deathtrap A-Go-Go! and The Couch)