This paperback collects the Batman Incorporated: Demon Star storyline. It was originally published in the New 52 comic book series Batman Incorporated from July, 2012 to February, 2013. The storyline was written by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham. The illustrations are by Chris Burnham, Frazer Irving, and Andres Guinaldo.
In this storyline Batman and Robin face off against the assassin called Goatboy. Meanwhile Leviathan's sinister mission continues to develop, someone is trying to kill Damian, and Wingman and Redbird descend upon Gotham City
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #0 (Brand Building)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #1 (Demon Star)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #2 (Eye of the Gorgon)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #3 (The Hanged Man)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #4 (Kill Box)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #5 (Asylum)
- Batman Incorporated (Volume 2) #6 (Garland of Skulls)