DC Database

"The Secret of the Ant-Man": Batman is away on a special assignment, and leaves Robin the task of patrolling Gotham City. He befriends a tiny, costumed hero called Ant-Man whom he mistakenly suspects mig

Quote1 He -- he's dead! Robin is dead! He sacrificed himself for me on this alien world! Quote2

Batman #156 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1963.

Synopsis for "The Secret of the Ant-Man"

Batman is away on a special assignment, and leaves Robin the task of patrolling Gotham City. He befriends a tiny, costumed hero called Ant-Man whom he mistakenly suspects might be Batman. He later discovers that the Ant-Man is actually a mobster named Jumbo Carson and apprehends him.

Appearing in "The Secret of the Ant-Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ant-Man (Single appearance)
  • Al Wells (Single appearance)
  • The Brady Brothers (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Robin Dies at Dawn"

Batman volunteers to participate in a special military experiment to test the long term effects of isolation on the human psyche. During this experience, Batman suffers a hallucination in which he witnesses Robin being killed on an alien world. The hallucinations persist and Batman is so overwrought that he is incapable of continuing his work. He hands the responsiblity of safeguarding Gotham City to Robin.

A criminal cartel known as the Gorilla Gang encounter Robin and abduct him. Batman is forced to come out of retirement to rescue him. The mission emboldens Batman's confidence and he stops having hallucinations.

Appearing in "Robin Dies at Dawn"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Batsuit
  • Giant Idol Statue (Hallucination)
  • Emergency Bat-Signal
  • Acme Camphor Barrels



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
