Batman and the Mad Monk is a six-issue limited series published from 2006-2007. The series re-imagines the classic Gardner Fox and Bob Kane tale that was originally published in Detective Comics #31-32.
- Batman and the Mad Monk #1
- Batman and the Mad Monk #2
- Batman and the Mad Monk #3
- Batman and the Mad Monk #4
- Batman and the Mad Monk #5
- Batman and the Mad Monk #6
- Batman and the Mad Monk (2007)
ISBN: 978-1401212810 - Legends of the Dark Knight: Matt Wagner (2020)
ISBN: 978-1779502599
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Batman and the Mad Monk Vol 1
- Collections from Batman and the Mad Monk Vol 1
- Images from Batman and the Mad Monk Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Batman and the Mad Monk Vol 1