Batman vs. Robin is a 2015 animated movie, part of the shared universe that existed in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies between 2013 and 2020. The story is partially based on the Batman: The Court of Owls arc, written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion, and the Batman and Robin: Born to Kill arc, written by Peter Tomasi and illustrated by Patrick Gleason and Mick Gray.
Synopsis for "Batman vs. Robin (Movie)"
Appearing in "Batman vs. Robin (Movie)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Court of Owls
- Headmaster
- Lieutenant
- Samantha Vanaver (Dies)
- Talon (Dies)
- Dollmaker (Anton Schott) (Dies)
- Joe Chill (Flashback only)
- Gotham Organized Crime
- Draco (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Damian's Future (As an illusion only)
- Gotham City Police Department
- Joker (Cameo) (On a TV or computer screen)
- Catwoman (First appearance) (Cameo)
- Kory (Phone call only)
- Martha Wayne (Dies in flashback)
- Thomas Wayne (Dies in flashback)
- Toyman (Mentioned only)
- Stuart Allan – Robin
- Troy Baker - Owl Lieutenant
- Kevin Conroy – Thomas Wayne
- Trevor Devall - Jack
- Robin Atkin Downes – Court of Owls Grandmaster
- Griffin Gluck - Young Bruce Wayne
- Grey Griffin – Samantha
- Sean Maher – Nightwing
- David McCallum – Alfred Pennyworth
- Jason O'Mara – Batman
- Peter Onorati – Draco
- Andrea Romano - Jill
- Jeremy Sisto – Talon
- Weird Al Yankovic – Dollmaker
See Also
- Characters from Batman vs. Robin (Movie)
- Other things related to Batman vs. Robin (Movie)
- Movie Gallery: Batman vs. Robin (Movie)