Beast Boy, also known as Garfield Logan and Changeling, is a superhero with the power to shape-shift into members of the animal kingdom. He is a regular member of the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans. His special abilities make him a fearsome and unpredictable opponent, although he has a very easy-going nature. Garfield received his powers when an untested serum was used to protect him from a virus transmitted through animal bite. Orphaned at a young age, he eventually found a loving family as the adopted son of Mento and Elasti-Girl. Raised as a kid hero on the Doom Patrol, he grew up and moved to the Teen Titans later in his career.
Beast Boy was created by Arnold Drake and Bob Brown, first appearing in Doom Patrol #99 (1965).
Other Versions
The New 52 Multiverse
Dark Multiverse
Post-Crisis Multiverse
Pre-Crisis Multiverse
Alternate Timelines
Possible Futures
Other Media
Teen Titans TV Multiverse
Lego Dimensions
DC Super Hero Girls' Multiverse
See Also: Beast Boy Titles
See Also