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"The Eleven-Thirty Absolution": Eddie Jacobi's benefactor, Adrian "Ozymandias" Veidt, emotionally and intellectually manipulates the newly repentant Moloch, and hires him for a peculiar task, proofreading complex mathematical equations. Over the next few weeks, he finds several important errors.

Quote1 Well, technically, that's a lie. I have an errand that needs doing, and I trust only you to do it for me. Are you familiar with the name Janey Slater? Quote2
Adrian Veidt

Before Watchmen: Moloch #2 is an issue of the series Before Watchmen: Moloch (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2013. It was published on December 19, 2012.

Synopsis for "The Eleven-Thirty Absolution"

Eddie Jacobi's benefactor, Adrian "Ozymandias" Veidt, emotionally and intellectually manipulates the newly repentant Moloch, and hires him for a peculiar task, proofreading complex mathematical equations. Over the next few weeks, he finds several important errors. One day Ozymandias sets up Moloch to deliver a package to Janey Slater, which turns out to be specially-treated medical cigarettes.

Over the next few months, both Janey and Edgar develop advanced cases of cancer. And the Comedian pays Eddie a visit, then soon afterward gets thrown out of a high window. And Rorschach pays Edgar a visit. And Adrian Veidt pays Jacobi a visit, and explains his real plan to him. To Moloch, this plan makes sense, and is a thing of beauty. Then Veidt shoots Jacobi in the forehead and leaves.

Appearing in "The Eleven-Thirty Absolution"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:


Synopsis for "Wide Were His Dragon Wings: Conclusion"

Appearing in "Wide Were His Dragon Wings: Conclusion"

Featured Characters:

  • Gordon McClachlan

Supporting Characters:

  • Crimson Corsair


Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References
