DC Database

The plant demonstrated minimal animal tendencies such as preternatural instinct and limited locomotion, both of which were integral when it came to forming a symbiotic bond with those who handled it. The Belamort actually feeds off its host, making it more akin to a parasite than an actual symbiont,

Belamort was a bio-engineered species of plant, created by the botanists of the planet Kahlo.


The plant demonstrated minimal animal tendencies such as preternatural instinct and limited locomotion, both of which were integral when it came to forming a symbiotic bond with those who handled it. The Belamort actually feeds off its host, making it more akin to a parasite than an actual symbiont, though most Kahloan philosophers maintain that the relationship between the plant and its host is mutually beneficial. Belamort absorbs nutrients from its host and in return, it provides the host with a unique chemical that stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain. A Kahloan who developed a bond with Belamort was subject to various psychotropic effects, which included visions of the user's most vivid fantasies. Demand for Belamort increased so dramatically that a major percentage of the planet's population existed in a perpetual state of sedation.

Because of its allure, the Kahloans were quick to establish laws restricting its deployment and use. Individuals were only allowed to use the Belamort a few hours out of every day, and off-world sale of the narcotic was strictly prohibited. Because of this, piracy became a common activity on Kahlo, and smugglers often stole cargo supplies of Belamort for sale on other planets.

Belamort became the principal motivator behind a bizarre supernatural virus that eradicated all life within the population center of Kymera. Orlan, the Green Lantern of Sector 3897 teamed up with Hal Jordan and the Phantom Stranger to investigate the plague and its connection to Belamort.

See Also

