Reactron is a radioactive Supergirl villain.
Disillusioned with the way his life was going, Benjamin Krullen decided to join the United States Army. One night, during guard duty at a top secret government project, he was seriously injured. In order to keep Krullen alive, the scientist in charge of the project gave him a special suit, the StarSuit.[1]
Reactron became a member of the Nuclear Legion alongside Professor Radium, Geiger, Mister Nitro, Neutron and Nuclear. The Nuclear Legion was hired by the Secret Society of Super Villains to invade Blüdhaven and assist the Nuclear Family in recovering the source of a radiation leak. While there, the group fought the new Atomic Knights.[2]
Reactron later went on to become a thorn in the side of Supergirl. He fought her on more than one occasion, but Supergirl was never able to stop him for good.
A short while later, Reactron was recruited by General Sam Lane as part of a special contingent to deal with threats of an extraterrestrial nature. He was outfitted with a piece of Gold Kryptonite and partnered with infamous Superman villain Metallo. The two began wreaking havoc in the streets of Metropolis with the sole intent of drawing out random Kryptonians who had recently arrived on the planet Earth. Upon doing so, they followed the Kryptonians back to their home in the Arctic, New Krypton, and began laying siege to the city. During the battle, Reactron killed Supergirl's father, Zor-El.[3]
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Powers and Abilities
- StarSuit
- Initially, in Secret Origins Annual (Volume 2) #1, Reactron's origin was a retelling of his Silver Age version, with Power Girl standing in for the no longer existing Supergirl of Earth-One. This was retconned in Superman: Secret Files 2009 #1, as Vietnam origins no longer fit the timeline.
Recommended Reading
- 32 Appearances of Benjamin Krullen (New Earth)
- 10 Images featuring Benjamin Krullen (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Benjamin Krullen (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Benjamin Krullen (New Earth)
Superman Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category." |
Secret Society of Super-Villains member |
Suicide Squad member |
Supergirl Villain(s) This character, team, or organization, has been primarily an enemy of Supergirl. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Supergirl Villains category." |