DC Database

Quote1 Fuck you, Ozymandias. Quote2
Bian My src

Bian My was a cleaning lady for Adrian Veidt who used his semen to impregnate herself with his child, Lady Trieu.

In 1985, Bian My was a Vietnamese refuge that worked as a cleaning woman for Adrian Veidt. Resentful of her employer and having studied him over time, Bian broke into Veidt's personal study, entered his passcode, and received access to his supply of scientifically preserved semen. Wanting to create a child to undermine the man, Bian artificially inseminated herself, cursing Veidt as she did so. [1] Afterwards, Bian disappeared. Veidt didn't even notice neither his cleaning woman nor the vial missing.

Months later, Bian had a daughter she named Trieu. Having ambitions for her daughter to become the smartest woman in the world, Bian trained Trieu with tough love and by constantly challenging her. Though her methods could be seen as cold, they were successful, and Trieu became a successful genius. [2]

Eventually, when Trieu was an adult, Bian died. However, Trieu, having become one of the leading experts in genetic cloning and wanting to continue to impress her mother with her accomplishments yet to come, cloned Bian and raised her as her own daughter, reintegrating the original Bian's memories into the young girl while she slept with Trieu's experimental drug Nostalgia.


  • Thievery: Bian My was able to break into Adrian Veidt's secret sperm safe and steal a vile without detection for over 30 years.

  • Bian My was portrayed by Elyse Dinh.
  • Though Dinh was only credited as "Cleaning Woman" in her only onscreen appearance as Bian, an excerpt on Peteypedia confirmed that, like her clone, Dinh's character was also named Bian My. [3]


