DC Database

Quote1 His bullet nicked my shoulder -- but Doc Sulman fixed it up okay. Quote2
Biff Bronson src

Biff Bronson was an amateur bounty hunter in the 1930s.

Biff Bronson and his pal Dan Druff captured prison-escapee Killer Koss, and several other thugs, gangsters, and racketeers.

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In early 1941, they broke up an attempt by agents of an unidentified nation to assassinate the Bulovian Ambassador. After this they had no further recorded adventures.



  • red roadster


  • concealed handgun

  • Biff Bronson, and his pal Dan Druff, made a cameo appearance in the Socko Strong story in Adventure Comics #45. This is one of the earliest crossover appearances in comic book history.
  • Biff Bronson smokes a pipe.


