Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! #1 is an issue of the series Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2008.
Synopsis for "What would you do with the Magic of Shazam?"
The wizard Shazam recounts the origin and development of Billy Batson into Captain Marvel. Billy has chosen to use the gift the ancient wizard has given to him for the benefit of humanity. Though despite his best interests, Billy is still a child and acts as such as when he and his sister on Sunday afternoon a day when most kids could be playing hide-n-go-seek or freeze tag, Bill and his sister were playing "stop the runaway circus train" instead. And while Billy and his sister were successful in saving the train and all abroad Billy did the most elaborate save of drill the tunnel to an extra large size and use the extra dirt from their tunneling to slow the train down to a complete stop after carefully analyzing other direct though also elaborate probable solutions.
As Captain Marvel Billy comments "C'mon you have to admit it was a good idea to save them like that. And besides it looked do darn cool!!" to which his younger sister slyly comments "Well I was just thinking that maaaaayyybe.. it would've been easier if you simply had unhooked the giraffe care on the other side." which would have allowed the weaker Mary Marvel to stop the cars of the train. Billy realizes what Mary was trying to tell him during the entire time of the adventure and her solution would have been better though not as "cool".
The wizard comments on how their dedication will soon be tested by Theo Adam who is aware of the power they possess and what will happen if he should gain the magic power of Shazam for himself.
Appearing in "What would you do with the Magic of Shazam?"
Featured Characters:
- Billy Batson/Captain Marvel (First appearance) (Origin)
- Mary Batson/Mary Marvel (First appearance)
- Wizard Shazam (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Elders (Mentioned only)
- Solomon (Mentioned only)
- Hercules (Mentioned only)
- Atlas (Mentioned only)
- Zeus (Mentioned only)
- Achilles (Mentioned only)
- Mercury (Mentioned only)
- Mr. Morris, Billy's employer (First appearance)
- Mrs. Snosey, the Batson nextdoor neighbor
- Mrs. Strikta, the Batson school principle (First appearance)
- Sunflower Scouts
- Mister Mind (Mentioned only)
- Theo Adam (First appearance)
- Seven Deadly Enemies of Man (Statue only)
- Pride (Statue only)
- Greed (Statue only)
- Envy (Statue only)
- Injustice (Statue only)
- Hate (Statue only)
Other Characters:
- Fawcett City
- Fawcett City Palm Apartments
- Fawcett Elementary
- Fawcett City Park
- WHIZ Studios
- Rock of Eternity
- This issue shipped in the United States on July 2nd 2008.
- First issue has hidden messages on pages 2, 3 and on the last page that can be deciphered using the provided code on the intro page.
- Series is not connected in any way to the recent and current main versions of the Marvel Family though uses many of their base characters.
- Premiere issue shipped with a variant cover that was also sketched by series overall creator and producer Mike Kunkel that shows the entire Marvel Family.
- Originally this series was intended to be a limited issue series, but is now open-ended and will be ongoing.
See Also
- Cover gallery for the Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! series
- Images from Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! Vol 1 1
Recommended Reading
Links and References
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