Bionicle (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2003.
Synopsis for "At Last -- Takanuva!"
Kopaka faces the six Rahkshi, alone. Lerahk attacks first, but is frozen by the Toa of Ice's power. Turahk attempts to overwhelm Kopaka with fear. Gathering his courage, the Toa freezes the Rahkshi of Fear as well. However, Kopaka cannot withstand the drain of Vorahk's hunger power. Before the killing blow lands, Tahu, Gali, and Lewa appear. Thanks to the Mask of Shielding, the Toa survived and followed the Rahkshi. Kurahk attempts to create infighting among the heroes with its anger power, but is quickly disarmed by a cyclone from Lewa. Gali rescues Kopaka, and the two are in turn rescued by Tahu and Lewa. Onua and Pohatu make an explosive entrance, with Tahu and Kopaka sealing the Kraata Cave behind them.
Takanuva, the Seventh Toa
A Shadow Kraata escapes the cave as well, but Pohatu catches it before it can infect any masks. The Toa continue to fight the Rahkshi across the entire island, ending at the Kini-Nui. There, Takanuva, the Toa of Light reveals himself and helps defeat the sons of Makuta. The team builds a vehicle--the Ussanui. Takanuva uses the Shadow Kraata caught by Pohatu to animate the transport, knowing that it will return to Makuta. The Toa Nuva attempt to convince Takanuva to let them come as well, but he refuses. The battle which lies ahead is his burden alone, and alone he travels into the darkness below.
Appearing in "At Last -- Takanuva!"
Featured Characters:
- Takanuva(Takua)
Supporting Characters:
- Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, Lewa, Pohatu, Onua, Jaller.
- The Makuta(Teridax) and Rahkshi
Other Characters:
- The Island of Mata Nui, Mangaia
- Ussanui
See Also