DC Database

Quote1 Me do the opposite of everything Superman does. Quote2
Bizarro src

Bizarro is a menace in Metropolis.

Bizarro believed he had a job at the Daily Planet under the "secret identity" of "Not-Bizarro". He was repeatedly kicked out of the building by Lois Lane, who told him no one was fooled by this supposed secret identity.[1]

Everything Bizarro did was the opposite of how Superman would do it. Where Superman might throw Brainiac's skull ship into the Sun, Bizarro's first instinct was the opposite: throw the Sun at the ship. The Sun was too hot for him to handle, so he just kicked the ship into space instead.[1]





Daily Planet The Batman Strikes! 01
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Daily Planet Staff member
This character is or was an employee of the Daily Planet, a daily newspaper based in Metropolis. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Daily Planet Staff members" category.
