DC Database

Quote1 This guy, Bizarro, makes no sense! He speaks opposite or something! Quote2
Supergirl src

Bizarro is the Bizarro World counterpart of Superman. Since arriving in the Tiny Titans universe, he has been both an ally and an antagonist of the Superman Family.

Enter: Bizarro!

Bizarro Tiny Titans 002

Return of Bizaro

Returning to Earth from Bizarro World, Bizarro awoke enraged after crash landing. After scaring Jimmy Olsen, the Superman Family engaged Bizarro. After the scuffle, they realized he was just grumpy and welcomed him into the family. Brought back to the Fortress of Solitude, he went on a rampage to change the fortress in accordance with Bizarro World culture. He placed the furniture upside down, scattered their collection of Kryptonite, and freeing the alien animals in their zoo. He almost accidentally destroyed Kandor, he was stopped by Superman.[1]



  • Bizarro was an ally and a member of the Superman Family in Superman Family Adventures and an enemy and member of the Legion of Doom in Super Powers. The reason for this change of alliance is unknown.



Hall of Doom
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Legion of Doom member
This character is or was a member of the Legion of Doom, a team of supervillains called together for the purpose of conquering the world and defeating the Super Friends, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Legion of Doom members" category.

Superman Red and Blue Vol 1 6 Textless
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Superman Family member
This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Superman, and a member of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Family members" category.

Injustice League Unlimited 002
Justice League Villain
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This character is or was primarily an enemy of the Justice League, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Justice League Villains."

Superman Villain(s)
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This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
