DC Database

"Bizarre Wars": After having a nightmare, Mister Mxyzptlk wakes up in his home in the Fifth Dimension. he receives the morning paper, and is startled to read that he has been appointed absolute ruler of the Fifth Dimension. He is suddenly mobbed outside of his

Quote1 Me get it. Heroes...villains...INFINITE POSSIBILITIES! Quote2

Bizarro Comics is a one-shot with a cover date of August, 2001. It was published on June 20, 2001.

Synopsis for "Bizarre Wars"

After having a nightmare, Mister Mxyzptlk wakes up in his home in the Fifth Dimension. he receives the morning paper, and is startled to read that he has been appointed absolute ruler of the Fifth Dimension. He is suddenly mobbed outside of his home, and carried to the town hall. He meets with the original rulers, who happily greet him, before jumping in an escape pod and flying away. Confused, Mxyzptlk tries to give his speech to the crowd,, but everyone begins running away. Confused, he says to himself that he hopes that an inter dimensional demigod hasn't shown up to issue some kind of challenge. He turns, and sees just that, a large being, descending, who proclaims that he issues a challenge. He asks for the leader, but sees signs for Mxyzptlk, and immediately picks the imp out. Mxyzptlk introduces himself, and the being introduces himself as well, calling himself, A. A snatches up the escaping pod, and his assistant informs them that leaving the dimension while it is in play is against the rules. A punishes them for their insolence, eating their ship whole. A's assistant tells Mxy that A will play him in Checkers, and several other games chosen alternately by him and A, and that they're playing to best 4 out of 7. If Mxy wins, A leaves, but if A wins, then he rules the dimension. Mxy proudly exclaims to a that residents of the fifth Dimension have reality-altering powers, and that he doesn't have to adhere to a's rules. with that, he begins physically attacking A in a number of ways, but all prove futile against the monstrous being. A's assistant informs Mxy that by physically attacking his opponent, he's disqualified himself, and he must choose a champion to play in his place. She shows him the Costumed Crusaders Catalogue, and Mxy is promptly sucked into it.

After falling for a short time, Mxyzptlk lands in the Headquarters of the Costumed Crusaders Catalogue. He is greeted by a robot named Candice, who explains that here, he can access every alternate variation of any costumed hero. He chooses Superman, and she shows him to the Superman section. There, he begins opening every door, with each door leading to a new incarnation of the Man of Steel. After going through several doors with no luck, Mxy hopes that the real Superman will be behind the next door, and he is relieved when he does find the real Superman behind it. After finally mustering up the courage to ask the very skeptical Superman for help, he becomes livid when the Last Son of Krypton rejects his plea for help. Furious, Mxy hands Superman a bomb and leaves, with the bomb exploding in Superman's face. My decides that whoever is behind the next door, he'll take them. He opens it, and finds a large, white version of Superman. The creature, turns, and calls him Greg, saying hello. Back in the Fifth Dimension, the creature, calling himself Bizarro, appears to be very dim-witted, spouting nonsense and calling Mxyzptlk Greg, acting as though they're old friends. Confused that Bizarro doesn't have any Kryptonian D.N.A., Mxyz creates a giant film camera, and peers into Bizarro's head, watching his origin story. To his annoyance, all he finds is an old commercial for dental floss. Mxyzptlk leaves the room, but Bizarro follows him. The two exit through Bizarro's door, and Mxy finds that Bizarro's door has disappeared after they exited it. Candice thanks him for shopping at the C.C.C., but Mxy makes a fuss, saying that he didn't pick Bizarro. Candice informs him that once a hero is on the walkway, the order is final, and that Bizarro can't be returned. A's assistant abruptly teleports the two back to the Fifth Dimension, and is disgusted by Bizarro. A declares the contest's beginning, but Mxy stops him, calling a time-out.

Inside the Watchtower, the Justice League of America holds a meeting, and everyone listens to Superman's story about Mxyzptlk asking him for help. Everyone has different opinions, but Wonder Woman decides that they should check out the imp's story. Elsewhere, the 30 minute clock on Mxy's timeout starts, and tries to make Bizarro understand the situation. After several attempts at getting Bizarro to understand the concept that heroes fight villains, including conjuring up illusions of well-known villains for the creature to fight, Mxyzptlk finally hands over a pile of comic books for Bizarro to read. Bizarro begins reading, but unfortunately, he reads for so long that the clock runs out. Bizarro stands, and declares that he finally understands it. He tells my that he has a plan, and pulls out a paintbrush. Exclaiming that he'll show A, he pulls out a paintbrush, and begins drawing masses of comic pages, much to the confusion of the others.

Appearing in "Bizarre Wars"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • A (First appearance)
  • A's assistant (First appearance)
  • Catwoman (As an illusion only)
  • Darkseid (As an illusion only)
  • Joker (As an illusion only)
  • Lex Luthor (As an illusion only)

Other Characters:



  • Bizarro's Comics (First appearance)
  • Costumed Crusaders Catalogue (Single appearance)
  • The Rules for Inter-Dimensional Conquest guidebook (First appearance)


Synopsis for "Super-Pets"

Superman's parents find room in the last rocket from Krypton for not just their son, but their Cat, Dog, Cow, Horse, Raccoon, Pig, Rooster, Hen, Lizard, Goat, Frog, Elephant, Zebra, Sheep and Walrus. With dozens of cute caped animals flying around, Superman is considered not that big of a deal, and Clark Kent is unable to get a job at the Daily Planet, even after he reveals his secret identity. And Krypton didn't actually blow up. The El's kinda goofed.

Appearing in "Super-Pets"

Featured Characters:

  • Fluff-ee (Single appearance)
  • Fide-o (Single appearance)
  • Spark-el (Single appearance)
  • Several other unnamed animals (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Jonathan Kent (Single appearance)
  • Martha Kent (Single appearance)
  • Superman (Single appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Lois Lane (Single appearance)
  • Perry White (Single appearance)
  • Jor-El (Single appearance)




Synopsis for Green Lantern in "The Afterthoughts"

After thwarting several criminals using a Boxing Glove, Lasso and scattered Marbles, Green Lantern Alan Scott forgets to reabsorb them into his ring. The three constructs, purposeless , search for the meaning of their existence in Beatnik cafes, Philosophical texts, Therapy, Church, Television, Buddhist Meditation, Popular Music and Modern Art. Still clueless, eventually they find Doctor Fate, who explains to them their reality. They see Alan Scott, their previously unknown father being carried down the street as a hero, hug, and happily fade away from their tragic existence.

Appearing in Green Lantern in "The Afterthoughts"

Featured Characters:

  • Green Lantern (Alan Scott) (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Doctor Fate (Single appearance)


  • Three criminals (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Bat-Man"

In Gotham City, Bruce Wayne reads the newspaper, which is filled with accounts of the recent exploits of Gotham's newest their, the Night Fumbler. Bruce goes into the city, and runs into Julie Madison and her new doctor, Oswald Cobblepot. Bruce tries to talk to Cobblepot, but the man is unresponsive. Julie prematurely cuts off the conversation, and she and Oswald leave. That night, Bruce goes out as Bat-Man, and notices two thieves on a rooftop with a bag of loot. He ambushes the men, and defeated them easily. A policemen notices the commotion from the street below, and he begins firing his gun at the Caped Crusader. Bat-Man quickly dodges the bullets, and he swings away on his Batrope.

That night, Bruce is awakened from his sleep, and he sees a cloaked figure moving silent through his penthouse. He tackles the person, and removes their hood, astonished to find that the notorious Night Fumbler is actually his fiancee, Julie Madison. He notes that she seems to be in a trance, and she suddenly faints. He changes into his costume, and leaves in his Batgyro. He flies over the city, and sees a talk mountain, and figures that it must be his destination. He fixes the automatic controls, and glides down from his vehicle on a rope. He drops onto the mountain, and he crashes through it and leaps in a heap on the floor inside, among a group of penguins. He looks up, and sees Cobblepot standing over him. Batman explains how he figured out that Cobblepot was behind the Night Fumbler, and he dresses the crook by his real name, Penn Gwyn. Cobblepot, furious, snaps his fingers, and a giant gorilla approaches Bat-Man from around the corner. Trapped, he reaches for a battering on his utility belt, but instead finds a banana. Realizing that he's been 'fumbled', he throws the banana at the behemoth anyway. The gorilla loses interest in Bat-Ma at the sight of the banana, and he goes after it. The banana goes over the railing of the room, and the gorilla dives over it, knocking Cobblepot over the railing as well. The two plummet into a vat of cod liver oil, and do not emerge. Bat-Man remarks that it was a tragedy, for the gorilla.

Appearing in "The Bat-Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • A gorilla (Single appearance) (Apparent Death)




Synopsis for "Captain Marvel and the Sham Shazam"

Doctor Sivana, dressed as a student, finds Shazam, and tricks him into revealing the name of a much stupider Marvel Creature, DUH (Dumbosthenes for Stupidity, Uloussies for Clumsiness, Hopelesscules for Cluelessness). He then tricks Billy Batson into saying "DUH" during a robbery, and he becomes the bumbling bucktoothed goofy Captain Marvel knock-off. Sivana is thwarted when Duh says "Shazam" by coincidence. Captain Marvel then treats both the Justice League and the Justice Society to Ice Cream with his reward money.

Appearing in "Captain Marvel and the Sham Shazam"

Featured Characters:

  • Captain Marvel

Supporting Characters:

  • Shazam (Ghost)
  • Tawky Tawny


  • Doctor Sivana

Other Characters:

  • Seven Deadly Enemies of Man (Statue only)
  • JLA
    • Aquaman
    • Batman
    • Flash
    • Green Lantern
    • Plastic Man
    • Martian Manhunter
    • Wonder Woman
  • JSA
    • Atom
    • Hawkman
    • Hourman
    • Sandman
    • Spectre
    • Starman
  • Green Arrow
  • Mister Mind




Synopsis for "Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter"

Ma and Pa Kent hire Letitia Lerner as a babysitter for the infant Clark, so that they might have one night to themselves. Baby Clark falls through the floor under the weight of the giant boulder holding him in his crib, climbs a giant bookshelf, swings on the ceiling fan, shatters all of the windows in the house, electrocutes himself and Letitia with the phone cord, drinks Milk directly from the cow, climbs on the roof, microwaves himself, rides away on a horse, and takes a nap in the middle of the Highway. When Ma and Pa Kent return home, they see the destruction and offer to pay Letitia double if she can work the next weekend as well.

Appearing in "Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter"

Featured Characters:

  • Letitia Lerner (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Clark Kent (a baby) (Single appearance)
  • Jonathan Kent (Single appearance)
  • Martha Kent (Single appearance)


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Aquaman in "Silence of the Fishes"

While Aquaman and his family are tied up by Black Manta, Aquaman refuses to ask for help from the Creatures of the Sea, because he is simply not speaking with them, having gotten in an argument. When his family prods him to call the JLA, he insists that he is not speaking to them either. The family ends up dying of starvation.

Appearing in Aquaman in "Silence of the Fishes"

Featured Characters:

  • Aquaman (Single appearance; dies)
  • Mera (Single appearance; dies)
  • Aqualad (Single appearance; dies)
  • Unnamed Atlantean girl (Single appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:


  • Black Manta (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Aquaman in "Porcine Panic"

In a bathtub, an Aquaman action figure attempts to save an ark full of dolls from a giant squeaky Pig. The boy playing with the figures breaks his Aquaman's arm, and he rushes out of the tub, calling for his mother, as the broken toy floats in the tub.

Appearing in Aquaman in "Porcine Panic"

Featured Characters:

  • Aquaman (an action figure) (Single appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:

  • A family (action figures) (Single appearance)


  • A giant pig (an action figure) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • A young boy (Single appearance)


  • A bathtub



Synopsis for The Metal Men in "Tinocchio Syndrome"

Tin wants a girlfriend and he heads out to a club. The other Metal Men are sent to retrieve him, but become distracted as Gold and Iron blow all their money buying drinks for girls, Lead cuts a rug, Mercury becomes more fluid than usual (due to the heat of the dance floor), and Platinum tries in vain to get the attention of a pair of gay men. Meanwhile, Tin strikes out repeatedly. The Metal Men all return home dejected.

Appearing in The Metal Men in "Tinocchio Syndrome"

Featured Characters:

  • Metal Men
    • Mercury (Single appearance)
    • Platinum (Tina) (Single appearance)
    • Tin (Single appearance)
    • Gold (Single appearance)
  • Dr. Magnus (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Wonder Girl vs. Wonder Tot"

Wonder Girl and Wonder Tot race as fast as they can to sit next to Wonder Woman at breakfast on Paradise Island, but cause so much destruction on the way that upon arrival, as punishment, Wonder Woman forces them to bus and clean dishes.

Appearing in "Wonder Girl vs. Wonder Tot"

Featured Characters:

  • Wonder Girl (Single appearance)
  • Wonder Tot (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Wonder Woman (Single appearance)


  • Paradise Island



Synopsis for Hawkman in "The Egg-Napper"

Hawkman, sworn to help all birds, investigates the theft of a Bluejay's egg. He finds it's been stolen by a Thanagarian criminal so diabolical, that he doesn't even care of the value of what he steals, just so long as he's stealing things. Hawkman catches the criminal and brings him to justice, much to the Bluejay's approval.

Appearing in Hawkman in "The Egg-Napper"

Featured Characters:

  • Hawkman (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • A bird (Single appearance)


  • A thief (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The GL Corps: The Few, the Proud"

Young Jerry Baxter takes a summer job at the Green Lantern Corps as a reserve member.

Appearing in "The GL Corps: The Few, the Proud"

Featured Characters:

  • Jerry Baxter (Single appearance) (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Supergirl and Mary Marvel in "The Clubhouse of Solitude"

After stopping the infamous Detonator at the Statue of Liberty, Supergirl pops in to a coffee shop to meet with Marvel Marvel, who's now approaching middle age and is married with kids. After a long discussion about their respective lives, the two leave, both seeming to greatly appreciate their friendship.

Appearing in Supergirl and Mary Marvel in "The Clubhouse of Solitude"

Featured Characters:

  • Supergirl (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Mary Marvel (Single appearance)


  • Detonator (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Joe (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Kamandi: The Last Band on Earth"

Kamandi is the leader of a band whose music has brought the unruly post-Disaster world together.

Appearing in "Kamandi: The Last Band on Earth"

Featured Characters:

  • Kamandi (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Doctor Canus (Single appearance)
  • Lady Day, the Duchess of Dolphins (Single appearance)
  • Prince of Whales (Single appearance)


  • A tiger (Single appearance)
  • A gorilla (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • OMAC (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Help! Superman!"

Superman picks up screams from a satellite called Space Lab, and flies into space to investigate. He finds Bizarro messing with the satellite on the outside, while the scientists are trapped with in. Bizarro begins ranting about how he's a changed man, and how he's figured to that he has repressed hostility towards his disciplinarian father, and that's why he's so aggressive towards Superman. Bizarro uses his freeze breath on the Man of Steel, and freezes him in a block of ice. He begins falling towards earth, but he easily breaks free of the ice, and grabs Bizarro, landing on the under-side of the satellite. Bizarro begins slapping him in the face, and Superman uses backwards logic to convince Bizarro to stop being a supervillain based on his own requirements of backwardness, confusing him to the point where he flies back to earth, deciding to take up gardening. Superman wishes he could just do the same thing with Mr. Mxzyptlk.

Appearing in "Help! Superman!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Earth
  • Space Lab (Single appearance)



Synopsis for Aquaman in "The Man Who Cried Fish"

Bored at home playing solitaire, Aquaman uses his powers to call the Creatures of the Deep, then repeatedly hides behind his sofa and laughs at their confusion. The third time he calls them they do not come, and when he goes out to look for them, he is eaten by a giant fish, which all of the other fish find hilarious. In the end he sadly sits in the fishes stomach and plays more solitaire.

Appearing in Aquaman in "The Man Who Cried Fish"

Featured Characters:

  • Aquaman (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • A school of fish (Single appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Superman (On a TV or computer screen)




Synopsis for Wonder Woman in "One-Piece, Two-Piece, Red Piece, Blue Piece"

Appearing in Wonder Woman in "One-Piece, Two-Piece, Red Piece, Blue Piece"

Featured Characters:

  • Wonder Woman (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Wonder Woman's friends (Single appearance)


  • Insinceria (Single appearance)
  • Sarcastica (Single appearance)

Other Characters:


  • Paradise Mega-Mall
    • Galatea Swimwear



Synopsis for "Bats Outa Heck"

Two obsessed gothish Batman fangirls find out they will be dissecting bats in Biology, and instead steal the Bat corpses and give them a proper burial.

Appearing in "Bats Outa Heck"

Featured Characters:

  • "Batgirl" (Single appearance)
  • Sash (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Joe (Single appearance)


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Who Erased the Eraser?"

Batman and Robin swing through Gotham City, and land in an abandoned alley. Batman goes through a small doorway into a basement,and the Dynamic Duo find a boarded up door. Batman tears it dow, and finds and old computer inside. Batman tells Robin that he has been trying to solve a serious computer crime, and that he's been tracking data from computer to computer for the last several months, and the trail ends at this computer. When they find that the computer is inoperable, having been neglected for years, the two leave, and drive off in the Batmobile. As they speed through the streets, Batman tells Robin of a dream he's been having for the past week. In the dream, he keeps seeing one of his old enemies, from many years ago, before this Robin's time. The villain in the dream is the Eraser, and he keeps saying that he doesn't exist, and neither does Batman. Batman recounts the Eraser's origin to Robin, about how he was Leonard Fiasco, an old classmate of Bruce Wayne's back in college. One day, Leonard saw Bruce with Celia Smith, who Leonard had strong feelings for. Leonard turned to a life of crime, calling himself the Eraser, and wearing a bright costume, and how Batman and the original Robin finally stopped him.

The duo return to the Batcave, and retire to bed for the night. That night, Bruce dreams of the Eraser again, but this time, the villain is telling him that he's committed the perfect crime, but he won't tell Bruce how. The next morning, Bruce is annoyed to find that all the crucial parts of the articles in the newspaper have been removed, but he can't figure out why he'd do that. Later, Bruce, as Batman, sits down in the library, and feverishly searches through books cataloguing his oldest and worst foes. He is annoyed to learn that Fleisher's 1976 book has a cut off point at 1966, meaning that there is no information on the Eraser. He's also confused as to why DC Comics hasn't sued all the lesser-known comics publishers who have characters very similar to the Eraser. The Caped Crusader's search takes him to DC Comics Offices, where he's informed that the writer who created the Eraser is hanging out at an old bar on the waterfront called Biddy Mulligan's.

Batman and Robin go there, and talk to the man, who says that he tried to revive the character around the time that another English writer was reviving old characters, but that they wouldn't go for it, and that he lost his job. That night, at Wayne Manor, Bruce explains to his ward, Greg (Robin) why he's been so on edge lately. All investments have gone down, all his bank accounts have been wiped out, and his computer records have been erased, and the records and deeds of ownership of Wayne Manor have been tampered with. Exclaiming that he's fought every adversity except poverty, he resolves to act as though everything is normal at the grand school reunion the next day. At the reunion, he runs into Celia Smith, as the writer from Biddy Mulligan's disdainfully looks on. The man goes home, reflecting on how he tried to pull a major computer crime years ago, and how it would've worked, it had been many years in the future, since it was so far fetched back then. He goes home, and it's revealed that he is Leonard Fiasco, since he gets out and puts on his Eraser costume, letting out a big, sad sigh.

Appearing in "Who Erased the Eraser?"

Featured Characters:

  • Batman (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:

  • Robin (Greg) (Single appearance)


  • Eraser (Flashback and main story)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for The Atom in "First Contact"

The Atom battles a squirrel, a small child and an army of ants attempting to find a tiny clear white circular object which he believes could someday save the world. It is revealed to be one of Wonder Woman's contacts, and she is trying to hide that she needs glasses from the other leaguers at the annual league picnic. Atom wishes he had a better job as Hawkman has him shrink into an Olive jar to retrieve olives his larger hands cannot reach.

Appearing in The Atom in "First Contact"

Featured Characters:

  • Atom (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Wonder Woman (Single appearance)


  • A squirrel (Single appearance)
  • Ants (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Hawkman (Single appearance)
  • Superman (Single appearance)
  • Green Lantern (Single appearance) (Cameo)




Synopsis for The Batman in "Inside the Batcave"

A young child running away from home stumbles into the Batcave, astonished to find out Batman really exists. He looks over the trophy room, and eats the lunch he packed. When Batman returns and finds an unfinished sandwich on the floor of the cave, he investigates and finds the boy asleep in the Batmobile. The boy wakes up again in his own bed, where his brother insists he was dreaming. But in his pocket is still a moon rock he picked up off of Batman's table.

Appearing in The Batman in "Inside the Batcave"

Featured Characters:

  • A young boy (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • The boy's bother (Single appearance)


  • The boy's house (Single appearance)
  • Batcave



Synopsis for "Solomon Grundy: Bored on a Monday"

Solomon Grundy raids a supermarket and eats and drinks his fill of stolen goods before Alan Scott bursts in and, wishing to use non-violent means, explains the wrongs of shoplifting using a green energy Economics Graph. Confused, Grundy goes back to his swamp to think for a long time, until he wishes that as a villain he shouldn't care about right or wrong. He angrily returns to the supermarket for revenge to find it locked up for the night. He sits down in the parking lot and laments at how boring being a zombie is.

Appearing in "Solomon Grundy: Bored on a Monday"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Most Bizarre Bizarro of All!"

On Htrae, the Bizarros are all disgusted and frightened at the newest and weirdest Bizarro of all, Boing. Boing grew up like every other Bizarro, until one day, other Bizarros began mocking him when he had a nameplate around his neck that said "Boing". He explains that when he looked in the mirror, it made a noise, 'boing'. Since the mirror said that, and it was a reflection of him, he believed that the mirror was saying his name. The Bizarros continue to mock him, and a fight ensues. Bizarro #1 and Bizarro Lois Lane show up and stop the fight. Later, Bizarro #1 informs one of the Bizarro-Lois Lanes that Bong is her son, and this brings her to tears, since Boing is an outcast. The two look out the window, and see Boing walking on his hands in the street, and declaring that he's 'cool'.

Later, Bizarro #1 holds a meeting, and he decides to go to Superman for help. He heads to earth, and arrives in Metropolis, where he begins turning the Daily Planet building sideways to get Superman's attention. Inside, Clark Kent change into Superman, and flies outside. Bizarro #1 rights the building, explaining that he only wanted Superman's attention. After explaining his predicament, Bizarro and Superman fly off back to Htrae. When they arrive on the planet, Superman decides that they should check out Bizarro's duplicator ray first, since it might have malfunctioned when creating Boing. Bizarro tells him about the giant comet that flew by Htrae the day Boing was created, and Superman flies off with him to find the comet. They find it, and Superman asks if Bizarro can hear the sound, and when the creature can't, the Man of Steel remarks that the Bizarros must be tone deaf. He says that all celestial bodies emit musical sounds, and Boing must have heard them. As they fly back to Htrae, Superman figures that 'boing' must be a musical sound that Boing hears all the time, so that's why he chose it as his name.

The two come back, and see several Bizarros harassing Boing for dancing in the street. Superman lands next to Boing, and tells Boing that he doesn't have to dance on his hands anymore to be cool. Superman flies off and finds some trees, and fashions a makeshift flute out of one of them. He returns to the city, and begins playing it. All the Bizarros begin dancing, and son, everyone is dancing, and no one is harassing Boing. Superman looks on at everyone, and admires his handiwork, thinking to himself that this is a pretty cool place now.

Appearing in "The Most Bizarre Bizarro of All!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for The World's Finest Team in "That's Really Super, Superman!"

Batman is distraught at how useless he seems in comparison to Superman. Increasingly angry as Superman continues to one-up him, he sees a psychiatrist who tells him he could still become something useful, like a Meter Maid or Mall Security. Furious he purchases a disguise and a gigantic lump of Kryptonite, then visits the Fortress of Solitude. Looking in through the window, he sees Superman dressing up with a Batman mask and pretending to be him in front of the mirror.

Appearing in The World's Finest Team in "That's Really Super, Superman!"

Featured Characters:

  • Superman (Single appearance)
  • Batman (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


  • A gang of criminals (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The J'onn J'onzz Celebrity Roast"

Martian Manhunter's Celebrity Roast is going fantastically until his cake with flaming candles on it causes him to pass out much to Superman's embarassment.

Appearing in "The J'onn J'onzz Celebrity Roast"

Featured Characters:

  • Martian Manhunter (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Justice League
    • Aquaman (Single appearance)
    • Batman (Single appearance)
    • Flash (Single appearance)
    • Green Arrow (Single appearance)
    • Green Lantern (Single appearance)
    • Hawkman (Single appearance)
    • Snapper Carr (Single appearance)
    • Superman (Single appearance)
    • Wonder Woman (Single appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Zook (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Wonder Woman's Day Off"

Wonder Woman calls in sick to the Justice League so that she can relax one day. At a cafe, two beatniks invite her to a poetry slam. She spends the day writing a poem, and it is so beautiful that Batman and Hawkman tear up and are forced to console each other after hearing it.

Appearing in "Wonder Woman's Day Off"

Featured Characters:

  • Wonder Woman (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • A group of poets (Single appearance)


Other Characters:

  • Batman (Single appearance)
  • Hawkman (Single appearance)


  • Ye Cafe



Synopsis for "Unknown Challenges of the Challengers of the Unknown"

The Challengers of the Unknown, in their customary dramatic and dynamic format, win a bowling match, guess the amount of jelly beans in a jar to win themselves a small color TV, obtain a good deal on home improvement rates, and eat a particularly difficult piece of beef.

Appearing in "Unknown Challenges of the Challengers of the Unknown"

Featured Characters:

  • Challengers of the Unknown
    • Ace Morgan (Single appearance)
    • Prof. Ryan (Single appearance)
    • Red Ryan (Single appearance)
    • Rocky Davis (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Without You, I'm Nothing"

What happens to the sidekicks when their more famous partners don't need them anymore?

Appearing in "Without You, I'm Nothing"

Featured Characters:

  • Sidekicks
    • Ace the Bat-Hound (Single appearance)
    • Brute (Single appearance)
    • Cryll (Single appearance)
    • Doiby Dickles (Single appearance)
    • Etta Candy
    • Fatman
    • Glob (Single appearance)
    • Proty (Single appearance)
    • Quisp (Single appearance)
    • Stripsey (Single appearance)
    • Tiger (Single appearance)
    • Wing How (Single appearance)
    • Zook (Single appearance)

Supporting Characters:


  • Evil-Star (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Dan the Dyna-Mite (Single appearance)
  • Kid Devil (Single appearance)
  • Space-Ranger (Single appearance) (Flashback and main story)
  • Tawky Tawny (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Bizarre Wars Part 2"

Appearing in "Bizarre Wars Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • A (Final appearance)
  • A's assistant (Final appearance)

Other Characters:

  • A bully (Flashback only)



  • Bizarro's Comics (Final appearance)
  • Green Lantern Ring
  • The Rules for Inter-dimensional Conquest guidebook (Final appearance)


  • New Genesis Buzz Buggy (Single appearance)


  • All the stories in this comic are most likely out of continuity, since the majority of them are parodies, and all the characters are seen doing out-of-character things, usually.
  • "Inside the Batcave" is reprinted in Batman: Secrets of the Batcave.
  • A softcover edition was published on March 5th, 2003.

See Also

Links and References
