DC Database

"The Island of Death": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 By Yudas, if any man can do it, Blackhawk ban the man! Quote2

Blackhawk #45 is an issue of the series Blackhawk (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1951.

Synopsis for "The Island of Death"

Appearing in "The Island of Death"

Featured Characters:


  • Zastor (Dies)
  • unnamed tyrant (captured alive)
    • up to twenty expert jet fighter pilots (Dies)
    • squad of saboteur raiders (captured alive)

Other Characters:

  • Doctor on Lapato Island (Mentioned only)



  • four Blackhawk Lockheed F-90Bs (one destroyed)
  • up to twenty enemy jet fighters w/ no insignia, (model unknown even by Blackhawk) (Destroyed)

Synopsis for Chop Chop: "Super's Super Market"

Appearing in Chop Chop: "Super's Super Market"

Featured Characters:


  • Monk
  • other hoodlum

Other Characters:

  • squad of cops


  • large U.S. city
    • Super's Super Market


  • flour sack full of cash


  • grocery cart

Synopsis for "The Unholy Three"

Appearing in "The Unholy Three"

Featured Characters:


  • Unholy Three
    • Brotis (arrested)
    • Golda (arrested)
    • Jeddson (arrested)

Other Characters:

  • Dr. Andrew Somers
  • armored car guards (all die)



  • portable atomic satchel bomb


Synopsis for "The Invisible Men"

Appearing in "The Invisible Men"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Foreign Minister Recuerdo (Dies)
  • Minister of Police
  • numerous diplomats


  • Southern Europe
    • Host City for Peace Conference
      • banner on hotel wall: "CONFERENCIA de PAZ // ASSEMBLEA GENERAL"




  • Starting this issue, the magazine is 36 pages long.
  • Island of Death
    • Zastor's sponsor is identified only as "a powerful totalitarian nation," and the government official who makes the deal is not named. He is captured alive, on Blackhawk Island, after which his disposition is unknown.
    • Aircraft flying from the unnamed totalitarian nation approached Blackhawk Island from the West/Northwest. They might or might not have flown there directly. None survived to say which.
  • This issue's Chop Chop story is reprinted in Blackhawk #82.
  • Invisible Men
    • The "Society of Assassins" was hired by "enemy powers," to stop a "peace conference." No conferee nations or enemy nations, and no heads of state, are identified.
    • Spectra and her captured Invisibility Robes were turned over to "the proper authorities," who planned to scientifically analyze them. Their fabric is treated with a special chemical dye, that refracts all light waves, and makes them appear almost invisible, in normal lighting. A man wrapped in this material also casts no shadow.
  • Also featured in this issue of Blackhawk was:
    • "Voice of the Idol" (non-Blackhawk text story)


  • Per this issue's 3rd story, 1st page, 2nd panel, Andre smokes a pipe and has a cat.

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.