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"Firestorm": After Jason separated from Salvador which broke Salvador's connection to the Firestorm matrix, Travis grabs Jason and heads into woods of Ringgold, Georgia. Travis and Jason reach a Hampshire Construction site. Jason tells Travis that Salvador is after him because Jason killed a dea

Bloodhound #5 is an issue of the series Bloodhound (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2005. It was published on November 10, 2004.

Synopsis for "Firestorm"

After Jason separated from Salvador which broke Salvador's connection to the Firestorm matrix, Travis grabs Jason and heads into woods of Ringgold, Georgia. Travis and Jason reach a Hampshire Construction site. Jason tells Travis that Salvador is after him because Jason killed a dealer in Detroit who worked for Salvador. Salvador tortured Jason and his dad to find out what happened to his dealer. After getting his hand smashed, Jason ultimately gave into Salvador's demands by having Slavador join with the Firestorm matrix. Jason asks why Salvador wants Travis and Travis explains that it stems from an old grudge. Travis and Vincent did drug trafficking with Salvador until Travis no longer wanted to be a part of it. Travis screwed up a massive deal for Salvador when he killed Vincent and got arrested. Travis sympathizes with Jason for the hate that he has for his father but he can't dwell on that hate forever.

Travis hears three thugs talking to Salvador so he grabs a two by four and dislocates one of the thug's jaws. Travis then takes a few swings and knocks the other two armed thugs out. Travis grabs the cell phone but realizes that its damaged then he hears a car roaring toward his location. Travis dodges the car and goes back for Jason. Jason recommends that they merge and become Firestorm in order to take on Salvador and his six associates. Travis refuses but Jason attempts the merger anyway. Amazingly, Travis is able to resist the merger with the Firestorm matrix. Jason can't understand how an above average human could resist unless he has metahuman abilities that haven't been fully tapped. Travis hears one thug coming up from behind, takes his gun and grabs him by the throat before he could scream. Travis throws the thug into the windshield of Salvador's car.

With Salvador's associates taken by surprise, Travis uses the thug's gun to shoot one of Salvador's associates then throws the gun at a thug's throat which causes him to choke to death. Travis slams his fist into one thug's face which knocks him out cold but Salvador and his remaining associate Federico hold Travis at gun point. Travis asks why Salvador didn't try to have him killed at Red Clay to which Salvador replies that he wanted the pleasure choking the life out of Travis with his bare hands. Travis turns the tables on Salvador by saying he has been aware of Federico skimming from the top while Salvador was doing business with Vincent. Salvador confronts Federico and Travis takes advantage of their argument by lunging at Federico.

Travis tackles Federico and goes after "King" Salvador until Jason tells him to stand down. Jason uses his prior connection with Salvador to get inside Salvador's mind and mentally burns the King's psyche to the point that Salvador is whimpering on the floor for mercy. Agent Bell arrives on the scene to accompany Travis back to Red Clay while Jason/ Firestorm flies back to Detroit.

Appearing in "Firestorm"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Federico (First appearance)
  • Luis Salvador

Other Characters:





See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
