DC Database

"Brass, Part 2": The creature, revealing herself as a beautiful, bio-cybernetic female being, introduces herself to Hershel as Eryx and had come to recruit him to defend her planet. She explains to him Hershel everything she knew about the Brass virus and why that was important to saving her pla

Brass (Volume 2) #2 is an issue of the series Brass (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 2000.

Synopsis for "Brass, Part 2"

The creature, revealing herself as a beautiful, bio-cybernetic female being, introduces herself to Hershel as Eryx and had come to recruit him to defend her planet. She explains to him Hershel everything she knew about the Brass virus and why that was important to saving her planet.

Eryx's home planet Tilaug was a world teeming with every plants, mineral and living beings like herself a blend of machine and flesh. All plants and animals are cyborgs, living machine that grew and existed similarly to how things worked on Earth. And like on Earth, living things on Eryx's planet got sick. There were periodic outbreaks of a virus that turned things violent and caused things to kill everything they could. This was the War Virus that would eventually become Brass. During one low level infection of the virus, scientists on Eryx's planet isolated the virus so they could cure it. They were never able to, but after a long series of quarantines their isolated sample was the last trace of it. They didn't know what to do with it and instead of destroying it they flushed it out of their dimension and into the dimension where Earth exists. It was then discovered by I.O. and so began the testing in 1967 that led to Hershel becoming Brass.

With the virus gone and violence and war no longer a part of their ecosystem, Eryx's planet became a peaceful utopia. That lasted for about a hundred years until a very violent race from another planet came to destroy and take over the Tilaug. And is why Brass is needed.

After finishing her story, Hershel is steadfast refuse to come to Tilaug. But Eryx used her technology to take him against his will before he knew what was going on, and since the virus didn't see any of that as a threat, it let her do it. Hershel found himself on Eryx's planet and in the midst being besiege by the invaders' fighter aircraft. The sight of the attacks realized Hershel to help Eryx and transforms into Brass. In the process he destroy the fighters and manage to take a prisoners of war. Despite repelling the enemy, the native Tilaugians who already understand Hershel's language through Eryx's broadcasting are fearful and contemptuous of him for being contrastingly violent and possibly contagious in spreading the Brass Virus since I.O. had previously upgraded the virus to be more virulent.

Eryx then shortly introduce Hershel to five other of her people (Liat, Vaso, Jeq, Duyk, and Asubal) that are willing to talk with him and then reveal that her plan wasn't for Brass alone to fight the war, but to have him infect the six of them so they could defend themselves. Hershel agrees and let them take samples of himself with which to infect themselves with. The six of them transform immediately and became what resemble to Brass and the other humans that had been infected with the virus.

Appearing in "Brass, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Eryx
  • Liat
  • Vaso
  • Jeq
  • Duyk
  • Asubal


  • Kusht

Other Characters:


  • Tilaug


  • Brass Virus


See Also

Links and References
