Brass (Volume 2) with a cover date of November, 2000.
Synopsis for "Brass, Part 4"
Following Brass' capture by the invaders, Eryx leads the recruits to their people for permission to rescue Brass. However, Siggah refuses and explains that he is the authority over Eryx's decision to allow herself and the others to infected with the Brass Virus and that a rescue attempt would jeopardize everything. Given that Brass's capture would lessen the threat of infection in the aftermath among the infected volunteers. This greatly agitates Eryx, threatening to mutilate Siggah and begins to physically transform into a fearsome being. Before she loses control though, she realizes that she didn't need to follow orders and takes her group to rescue Brass.
Brass is tortured by his captures. He then receives a communication from Eryx and the others, who tell him in transmitting the information he saw and as well his pain of his location. Brass retells all he remember was being taken to a built camp inside a gorge. Eryx recognize the location and leads her group in attacking the camp. Eryx finds and save Brass. But the battle also cost the lives of Liat, Duyk and Vaso.
Eryx finds a surviving warrior, who she acknowledge as a Kusht, and interrogate him, revealing that there are ten thousand strong enemy reinforcements with enough firepower to armament to fight back against Brass and his remaining force. After Eryx kills he prisoner, she, Brass and Asubal pinpoints the reinforcements and finds it in the form of transports. Eryx and Asubal reveals that the transports are unarmed and defenseless as the Kusht had never expect to conflict in space. The two then proceed to destroy the vessels and leaving the dead to float in space much to Brass's shock.
Following the massacre, Eryx transmit to the surviving Kusht vessels and threaten them that would similarly attack to the other doomed ships in exchange that their forces would leave Tilaug. Officially ending the war. But Brass remains disturb over Eryx and Asubal's actions.
Appearing in "Brass, Part 4"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Eryx
- Liat (Dies)
- Vaso (Dies)
- Jeq
- Duyk (Dies)
- Asubal
- Kusht
Other Characters:
- Tilaug
- Brass Virus
See Also