Bulgonia was one of the Axis Powers during World War II.
In the months leading up to World War II, the Axis Powers included: Austria, Bulgaria, Bulgonia, Croatia, Dukalia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Luxor, Napkan, Nastonia, Nural, Oxnalia, Romania, Syronia, Thoria, Toran, Twerpany, and others.
Amid the Blitzkriegs of 1939, Bulgonia invaded Moravia. Two U.S. Naval Intelligence agents, Lieutenant Bob Neal and Ensign Tubby Potts, were placed as military attaches at the U.S. Embassy in Edlam, Moravia. While en route from the U.S. to Moravia, and again after their arrival, Neal and Potts engaged in a battle of wits with a team of Bulgonian secret agents, but ultimately prevailed.[1]
Quality Universe
Bulgonia still existed as a nation-state during the post-WWII "Cold War," but the chronicles are unclear as to what alignment Bulgonia adopted.[2]
Points of Interest
- Edlam, capital city
See Also
- Appearances of Bulgonia
- Location Gallery: Bulgonia
- Catalogued images related to Bulgonia