Ha! Men think I'm dead! But all the while I've been planning how to organize crime! If honest men can organize, so can criminals! I'll have all criminals working for me -- Supply them with schemes -- and take half the loot! Now, a plan to contact them -- Ah! I have it!
- — Professor D, before he breaks into a bank by himself
Bulletman #15 is an issue of the series Bulletman (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1946.
Synopsis for Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Bulletman the Flying Detective and the 'Return of Professor D!'"
The diminutive, but strong Prof. D has convinced the world that he died and now he intends to group with other criminals like honest men and will create schemes to sell for top dollar, crushing a few books in his hands. He soon heads to Spiffany’s, the largest jewelry store in town and requests to see a string of black pearls. He holds up the clerk who brings them out, but the clerk steps on a silent alarm, sealing the doors. Lt. Kent is sent immediate word and Jim and Susan change into the Bullets to investigate. Bulletgirl immediately and correctly assumes that Prof. D is involved, despite him falling to his death months ago. Instead, Prof. D rips loose the bolt that secures the door shut and rips open the gate to run out. The clerk tells the Bullets what happened when they arrive. They manage to quickly find Prof. D in a car and drag him out into the sky, warning the police that he’s incredibly strong, so they lock him in a specialized cell that’s got high voltage going through it. Jim and Susan think on how odd it is that Prof. D walked essentially into this trap as Prof. D realizes they turn off the power to bring him his food and easily disarms his guard. He starts to tear loose every cell door, having the goons meet him at Parker’s Barn on the Mill Road, kicking the doors loose and wreaking havoc across town. Bulletman and Bulletgirl soon get word that Prof. D has arrived and they soon find Parker’s Barn. Bulletman manages to knock out one of the guards and finds Prof. D running a FOC, Federation of Crime, which will essentially buy plans off of him for a 50:50 split, but the Bullets fire in and lasso most of the goons together. Prof. D escapes by flinging a plow and two hay bales at them until the goons manage to overtake them. Prof. D says now they can start their big plan of stealing industrial diamonds from every nearby factory, corner the diamond market and then bootleg diamonds out at inflated prices. With the Bullets in his cellar, they wait around for about two days. Lt. Kent gets flak from his superiors that he isn’t getting results yet. They find their food is wrapped in the Daily Blah and that Prof. D’s gang is interrupting reconstruction from the War. They go about a similar tactic of waiting for their food to be brought to them and knock out their guards, then steal their clothes. Prof. D tells the FOC how his latest plan is to crack the Acme Tool Plant and sneak out. They fire off to the Acme Plant and find that it has a turntable bridge to it, so they trap the gangsters on it once they’re across it, though Prof. D still manages to get through. They set off dynamite underneath themselves and ride the shockwave to tackle Prof. D in the back. Prof. D tries to find his bag of diamonds without his glasses and gets his hand caught in some kind of machinery “full of whirling knives” that quickly rips him to pieces. Later, the rest of the FOC is arrested and Lt. Kent thanks the Bullets.
Appearing in Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Bulletman the Flying Detective and the 'Return of Professor D!'"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Professor D (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Earth-S
- New York City
- Spiffany's Jewelry Store
- The Acme Tool Plant
- New York City
- Issue of the Daily Blah
Synopsis for Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Bulletman the Flying Detective and the 'Canine Army Plot!'"
The US Army recruits not only men, but also dogs of war such as Rex, training him to avoid distractions like wild rabbits and to follow orders like OUT, which means to attack. However, Fifth Columnists led by Agent K-9 are trying to kill them using poisoned meat in a barrel. Nearby in the woods are Jim, Susan and Slug. They find Slug pulling to get to the meat too and soon spot the dog-poisoning Nazis and change into the Bullets and Bulletdog. The Nazis retreat and hide out in a secret door in the woods that’s disguised as a tree. Bulletdog is able to warn the other dogs away from the meat and the Army thanks Bulletman for his heroic help. They take off again to look for them, but find nothing by late in the night, but Slug leaves without his Gravity Collar to keep looking. He soon finds the Nazis, but they kick him into a tree and prepare to shoot him. One of the Nazis says that’s Bulletman’s dog, so they decide to attach a time-bomb to his collar and let him return to his masters. Slug does so and Susan removes the bomb, but Jim points out that that’s no coincidence it didn’t go off: Slug dragged the bomb into the river to drown it first. The Bullet Trio soon take off again as the Nazis seize the Dog Kennel Corp and attach more and more bombs to dogs. Bulletdog attacks K-9, but is distracted by a Rough Collie, though he’s warned that she’s in the Army. The Army let the Bullet Trio know that they’ll handle the bombs and they take off after the Nazis. They find the secret tree entrance and a note from K-9 saying he’ll get them yet. Slug picks up a trail, but it leads to the river and stops there.
Later, the Army is training with live ammo for the men where K-9 uses a messenger-dog to send fake instructions to both sides so they’ll end up running into each other’s fire. The Bullet Trio hear K-9 loudly laughing about killing Americans and Bulletdog gives chase. K-9 reveals that he has sent out the dogs already, and that they won’t know which of the two dogs he sent out has the real message. Bulletdog goes after the messenger-dog while K-9 tries to fight Bulletman with a big stick, but he easily punches him over. Bulletdog intercepts the message as Bulletman arrives to turn in K-9 and reveal that the plans were switched. Later, they enjoy a nice time in the woods before they head back to the city.
Appearing in Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Bulletman the Flying Detective and the 'Canine Army Plot!'"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Agent K-9
Other Characters:
- Army Dogs
- Earth-S
- New York City
- An Army Training Area
- The Dog Kennel Corp
- New York City
See Also