DC Database

Quote1 I'm King Candle. I'm the Candlemaker! Quote2
Candlemaker src

The Candlemaker is a thought-based egregore that threatened the world and was opposed by the Doom Patrol.

A psychic manifestation of the world's nuclear anxieties, the Candlemaker became incarnate through Dorothy Spinner, a metahuman ally of the Doom Patrol with the ability to bring the products of her imagination into reality. Channeling himself through wishes made by Spinner, the Candlemaker gained strength and escaped, seeking to destroy the world only to be stopped by Spinner and the Doom Patrol.[1]

Some time later, their fight would be remembered by Dannyland in the form of a theme park ride as the sentient amusement park retold the past adventures of the Doom Patrol to Casey Brinke.

General Immortus Prime Earth 001

The Eternal Flame

A sample of the Candlemaker's wax was recovered and came into the possession of the Doom Patrol's foe General Immortus, who used it in conjunction with the body of the since-deceased Dorothy Spinner in a ritual to transfer the egregore into his own body, merging with the Candlemaker to become the Eternal Flame. Though he claimed omnipotence, the Eternal Flame was sealed by the General's one-time ally the Quiz into the Bleed, the space between universes, where he landed upon Danny the Street and was discovered by the Batwoman Who Laughs, who proposed an alliance between the two.[1]




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Doom Patrol Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Doom Patrol at some point in their career. This pertains to all incarnations of the Patrol throughout history. Including but not restricted to their arch-enemies the Brotherhood of Evil. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Doom Patrol villains."
