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""Battle Beyond the Green"": Captain Atom and Red Tornado fight their battle in a swampland when it is suddenly stopped by the Swamp Thing. Tornado is obliterated and Captain Atom is rendered comatose. The Justice League eventually finds Captain Atom covered in vines and take him back to their s

Captain Atom (Volume 2) #17 is an issue of the series Captain Atom (Volume 2) with a cover date of July, 1988.

Synopsis for "Battle Beyond the Green"

Captain Atom and Red Tornado fight their battle in a swampland when it is suddenly stopped by the Swamp Thing. Tornado is obliterated and Captain Atom is rendered comatose. The Justice League eventually finds Captain Atom covered in vines and take him back to their shuttle while they are baffled by the disappearance of the hurricane and Tornado.

In another plane of existence, Nathaniel and Tornado, who is in his android form, meet the Swamp Thing. The plant elemental explains to them that he brought them in this astral plane through The Green in order to bring peace between them. Furthermore, they need to do this in order for them to return to the Earth-plane or they will be lost in this realm. Swamp Thing starts on Tornado and asks why he cannot bring peace to Captain Atom.

Tornado recalls his life among humans and the Justice League until the destruction of his android body lead to his life-essence becoming an air elemental. In this new form Tornado saw humanity's abuse of the biosphere and was angered by this and it fueled his desire to destroy humanity. But the air elemental was held back from his full fury by his inner self, the original Tornado. Swamp Thing finds Tornado's story not so different from his own and advises Tornado that he can control his elemental self. But the moment is interrupted by the appearance of the Black Racer, an avatar of death. Swamp Thing quickly heeds Tornado and Nathaniel to flee; he explains that the Racer is coming for Nathaniel because his "astral abduction" had put a strain on his physical body and that he is close to death.

The Justice League is unable to properly treat what is ailing Captain Atom's health, and not even Mister Miracle's technology can help. While Miracle examine Nathaniel's body, he is surprised to detect his metal exo-shell to be alien in origin, and he keeps this information to himself. The group resorts to getting Captain Atom psychic healing from Brainwave of Infinity, Inc. Brainwave use his powers to send his astral body to join Captain Atom's astral life.

Swamp Thing, Captain Atom, and Tornado eventually find sanctuary in a anomaly created by Brainwave, who then takes them to a different plane. Tornado takes this moment to return to his elemental form as he has now reach a sense of clarity after spending time with Swamp Thing and bids farewell. Before Swamp Thing also makes his leave, Nathaniel points out to him that he and Tornado became elementals after they miraculously survive a violent explosion, which is also similar to how Nathaniel became Captain Atom. Swamp Thing knows what Nathaniel is about to ask but declines on satisfying his curiosity and states that Nathaniel could only find the answer himself. Captain Atom and Brainwave return to the Earth-plane moments before the Black Racer finds them.

Captain Atom gives his thanks to Brainwave and his teammates before he makes his leave, much to the chagrin of Blue Beetle who wants to know about Captain Atom's journey in the astral plane. Nathaniel is left with a new sense of curiosity about himself and hopes that Red Tornado finds his inner peace.

Appearing in "Battle Beyond the Green"

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See Also

Links and References
