DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr.: The World's Most Unpopular Boy!"": Sivana, Jr. finds he’s deserved unpopular and becomes jealous of Captain Marvel, Jr. performing at a charity benefit for the Municipal Zoo and decides to ruin his popularity. He soon finds the World’s Mightiest Boy liftin

Quote1 Never you mind, Jasper! Even if they don't like you, I do! Lord Highsniff thinks he's terrific because he runs so fast! I'll bet you could run just as fast, if you wanted to! Quote2
Freddy Freeman, believing that the only thing preventing donkeys from winning at thoroughbred racing is confidence.

Captain Marvel, Jr. #110 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel, Jr. (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1952.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr.: The World's Most Unpopular Boy!"

Sivana, Jr. finds he’s deserved unpopular and becomes jealous of Captain Marvel, Jr. performing at a charity benefit for the Municipal Zoo and decides to ruin his popularity. He soon finds the World’s Mightiest Boy lifting an elephant over his head, only for Young Thaddeus to secretly blow itching powder at him, making him scratch hard and resorts to balancing the elephant on his head, making the pachyderm fall near them, though he catches it. For some reason, the Evening Star posts a picture of it that Sivana, Jr. took and blames Junior for an accident almost happening. Later, at Freddy’s Newsstand, he hears Sivana, Jr. offering a lollipop to a child and naturally snatches it away, presuming he’s poisoning people again, which upsets the child and Young Thaddeus uses this as an incriminating picture of him doing so, which the Daily Gazette also puts on the front page. Later, Sivana, Jr. sends Freddy a letter saying he’s going to the Hopewell Charity Home, so he calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and punches out Sivana, Jr. … only for the woman there to say that he was donating! Sivana, Jr. soon holds up an Opinion Survey man with a gun, demanding he run a poll offering “Granted that Captain Marvel, Jr. has gone crazy, what do you think ought to be done with him?” and the Daily Gazette still publishes the results, saying the World’s Mightiest Boy should be exiled. Thus, Junior leaves to go live on an island for now until somebody calls him back and somehow manages to make a radio out of coconuts and woven grasses. However, the radio says that 99.46% of people polled also think Sivana, Jr. should be President (despite him not being old enough) and that he’s now involved himself highly in politics overnight. Junior soon finds Young Thaddeus holding up the Opinion Survey, Inc with a revolver and punches him out, then takes him to reform school to make things right. Later, Sivana, Jr. is eating alone, since he’s the least popular inmate.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr.: The World's Most Unpopular Boy!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • The Official Survey, Inc. Man


Other Characters:

  • A Woman at Hopewell Charity Home
  • An Elephant



  • Itching Powder
  • A Lollipop


Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Derby Donkey!"

At the Whitlee Racing Stables, Jasper is a donkey among high-breed thoroughbred stallions like Lord Highsniff, whom makes Jasper shaky when he comes near. Freddy Freeman has come over to feed him a carrot and watch the horses training for the Big Derby Race, but a hornet stings Jasper, making him move at an amazing speed, breaking a track record as Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to follow him as Captain Marvel, Jr.! This infuriates Mr. Whitlee, the stables’ owner, who shouts at Jasper for bolting the other horses, so Junior takes him back to Mrs. Wagner’s, encouraging him he can run just as fast as the “nice” horses. Some time later, Freddy brings Jasper along to visit as Chief Groom Jeremiah Leggs sneers at the beast of burden and makes Lord Highsniff snort at him. To try to restore Jasper’s confidence, he asks the men at the Jockey’s Club if there’s no rules preventing a donkey from entering. The men point out that he’s not a thoroughbred and also no self-respecting jockey would ride him… only to find that later, Captain Marvel, Jr. has become a licensed jockey, much to the scorn of the Great Derby. However, when the race starts, Jasper is unmoved even when he’s at 50 lengths behind. However, Jasper soon takes off at a top speed, pulls into third, but is intimidated by Lord Highsniff, so Junior covers his eyes with his cape, making Jasper bolt forward into winning. Later, Freddy says Jasper has a fine home in a racing stable for winning the Great Derby.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Derby Donkey!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Jasper the Donkey


  • Mr. Whitlee
  • Jeremiah Leggs
    • Lord Highsniff

Other Characters:

  • Members of the Jockey Club
    • Other Jockeys
  • A Hornet



  • A Carrot


Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Gigantic Buzzsaw"

Freddy Freeman is at home when Prof. Edgewise says that he’s got a wonderful idea and is mocked by a talking parrot. The Professor says he’s read about a big building project outside of town that is likely to fail its contract in time, so he invented a gigantic buzzsaw! The next day, Mr. Sewell, the construction manager, says that he may need an extension to keep clearing, but a hawkish man, Sam Everett, says he had a bid on the project and if Sewell can’t do it in time, he will. Suddenly, the Professor arrives with the Gigantic Buzzsaw, which is mountain on a little red car he’s driving and says it also runs on “jet propulsion, with radar controls” and that he can use this to clear the woods in hours. Everett objects to this, but the official from the city is willing to hear out the Professor, finding the Gigantic Buzzsaw is quite good at what it does. Freddy, having followed to make sure the Professor’s invention doesn’t endanger people, is stunned to find it seems to be working as Everett sneaks over to it and flips a switch, making the Gigantic Buzzsaw start whirring towards people, cutting through rock as Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. to stop the machine. The Professor says it can cut through diamonds even and Junior soon shuts it off and the official says it’s clearly too dangerous to use. The Professor says it isn’t supposed to do that and becomes bitter, refusing to invent anything ever again. Junior offers that he can guarantee no harm will work with the Gigantic Buzzsaw if he uses it, but the official says it’ll need an official permit from the Bureau of Safety, which Junior says he can pick up in the morning, then flies it back to Mrs. Wagner’s.

That night, Everett returns to try to destroy it, but finds acid does nothing to the super-powerful alloy and instead just turns it on again to run into Mrs. Wagner’s nearly cutting Freddy’s bed in half before he calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to stop it as Captain Marvel, Jr. He soon spots Everett after he’s forced to break the Gigantic Buzzsaw to stop it and drags him to the police. Later, Freddy reads in the paper how Junior instead solved the problem by cutting down the forest with an axe and the Speed of Mercury. He thinks he hears the buzz of the Gigantic Buzzsaw… but instead finds that the Professor has fallen asleep while making a new invention, meaning he’s already forgotten his bitterness altogether. The Parrot supposes that all’s well that ends well.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Gigantic Buzzsaw"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Sam Everett

Other Characters:

  • A City Official



  • The Gigantic Buzzsaw (Destroyed)



  • It is not made clear why P.T. Crumpet, Editor and Publisher of the Daily Gazette and Evening Star and friend of Captain Marvel, Jr., would publish empty, assumptive screeds and candid incriminating photos from a known felon like Sivana, Jr., nor why they'd run them on the front page...

See Also

Links and References
