DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. Battles The Giant Ice Monster"": Captain Karl Wright is an evil whaler who doesn’t pay his crew and has been killing them off to that end, but has only yielded a dozen whales after two years at sea. He decides to head out with his villainous 1 Mate to press

Quote1 Sivana, Jr. speaking! I am beaming this message on all airwaves! Heh-Hehhh! It is I who have caused the green fog to descend upon you! Only I can lift it! My terms are simple: your governments everywhere must acknowledge me as Prince of the Universe! Heh-heh-hehhh! Quote2
Sivana, Jr.

Captain Marvel, Jr. #91 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel, Jr. (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1950.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. Battles The Giant Ice Monster"

Captain Karl Wright is an evil whaler who doesn’t pay his crew and has been killing them off to that end, but has only yielded a dozen whales after two years at sea. He decides to head out with his villainous 1st Mate to press a new crew into service and discovers in the Daily Gazette that one Dr. Emory has found great riches in jewels underneath the Antarctic Ice Cap and decides the easiest way to find it is to “round up” Dr. Emory along with their new crew. Some days later, they find Dr. Emory buying a paper from Freddy Freeman and blackjack Freddy to kidnap him too, since he’s a witness now. Waking up on Capt. Wright’s ship, Dr. Emory refuses to help them and Freddy wakes up and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to punch him over as Captain Marvel, Jr. However, he finds out that once the evil Captain and 1st Mate are detained… Dr. Emory is now more than fine with taking the crew with him to try to see if they can get some free jewels out of the Antarctic Ice Cap now that they’re actually in control. Since most of the pressed men are already sailors, they agree to go ahead with it. Junior decides to return to being Freddy for now to keep an eye on Capt. Wright. After some time, they arrive at what he says is the exact center and has the men start digging don already past 100’ until Dr. Emory says they’ll need to keep going down a mile to get to the jewels, which Capt. Wright says won’t really work, since they already have limited supplies as is. To make things easier for everyone, Freddy calls CAPTAIN MARVEL around a corner to become Junior again and tears up most of the mile inward they need to and shoves the icy mountain of dug-out ice he’s made and just forms into a normal mountain, which he names “Mount Freeman,” after Freddy. While trying to get down there, Capt. Wright slips and falls into it, forcing Junior to dive in after him and catches him just as they both crash through the ice layer into a gigantic cavern below with jewels everywhere (and already cut too!) Capt. Wright and Junior fly back out to tell the men the good news… not seeing a long orange and clawed hand reaching out across the mountains of jewels. On the surface, Dr. Emory goes to tell Freddy the good news, so Junior flies over to the ship and returns to being Freddy.

However, when they return, Capt. Wright and 1st Mate Savvy pull a gun on an entire crew of men and shoots Freddy in the head, knocking him out at minimum. As Dr. Emory denounces him for murder, suddenly the permafrost shakes and a Giant Ice Monster, which is an orange dragon with lengthy arms, attacks them all. It easily smashes their ship to pieces and find that it’s not harmed by gunfire. Freddy wakes up, having been grazed only, and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Junior once more, smacking the beast in the face with a giant snowball and then dizzies it with repeated punches before he destroys Mount Freeman by dropping it on the Giant Ice Monster, killing it. Its body breaks through the ice, making a large crevasse, and Junior decides that this whole mission was a failure and it’ll kill too many people to take any more gems at all and soon uses the Strength of Hercules and the Wisdom of Solomon to repair the entire crumpled ship back to normal. Dr. Emory wonders what other mysteries are below the ice, but Freddy says it’s best to leave them as that. Dr. Emory jokes to him that only they’ll know how “Monster Crevasse” got its name...

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. Battles The Giant Ice Monster"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Dr. Emory


  • Capt. Karl Wright
  • 1st Mate Savvy
  • A Giant Ice Monster (Dies)

Other Characters:



  • Bushels of Jewels


  • Capt. Wright's Ship

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Murder at Mrs. Wagner's"

Freddy Freeman finds Mrs. Wagner’s pancakes are tasting bad, which usually means something’s wrong and finds that she’s sniffling and says that the new roomer, Jalmar, an immigrant from India, who has shouted at her for trying to clean up his room, having barely left it at all that week. She admits that she’s actually afraid to ask him for rent, since he seems violent. Freddy makes his way upstairs to look into things himself and knocks repeatedly, but gets no answer. When he enters, he finds Jalmar with a glowing golden object and he flips out and tries to strangle Freddy for touching “the Sacred Jewelled Horned Toad.” Freddy manages to call CAPTAIN MARVEL and becomes Captain Marvel, Jr., punching him over. Junior says he’s going to assume that he attacked Freddy by accident and didn’t want to kill him and Jalmar admits he thought that Freddy was spying on him. Junior tells him to pack his bags and get out by tomorrow morning and he’ll return if he doesn’t. Later, Freddy is over at O’Riley’s Gas Station when he notices Jalmar is watching them from behind a gas pump and Red tells him to basically get lost or he’ll call the cops.

However, the next morning, when they go to see if he’s leaving, they find Jalmar… is dead and the Sacred Jewelled Horned Toad is missing! Calling CAPTAIN MARVEL, Junior finds that Jalmar is still warm and flies off to find his killer. At a nearby park, he finds fellow housemate Mr. Marks, dumping a toad into the pond. Junior dives in after it, but finds it’s an actual toad and Marks, a habitual prankster, was going to release it into Red O’Riley’s bed… but decided not to. Soon, Junior returns to Mrs. Wagner’s and finds Officer Jim Bellows and Red O’Riley have come to investigate… but find the body is gone! Junior says he’ll go find it and hangs out on the roof until two men dressed the same as Jalmar appear to sneak into his room via a ladder. He takes them to the cops quickly and Officer Bellows later tells him that the Sacred Jewelled Horned Toad is actually theirs and Jalmar stole it from them, a secret Indian sect who worship the Toad. However, they claim they didn’t kill Jalmar or find the Toad. He flies out to look around once more and finds at O’Riley’s Gas Station… Jalmar is near the pump again… and he’s alive! He admits that he hid the Toad in a gas pump and faked his death using the art of yoga to stop his heart and lungs and Junior takes him to prison for theft. Soon, Mrs. Wagner’s pancakes taste great again and Mr. Marks says he got Mrs. Wagner some “flowers,” only to show her that it’s two boxes of pancake flours. Red warns him if he doesn’t stop these jokes, there might be a real murder at Mrs. Wagner’s...

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Murder at Mrs. Wagner's"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Jalmar

Other Characters:

  • The Secret Society of the Sacred Jewelled Horned Toad



  • The Sacred Jewelled Horned Toad
  • A Ladder


Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and Sivana, Jr.'s Green Fog"

In a secret hideout, Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. is attacking images of his hated rival, Captain Marvel, Jr. on a dartboard, a punching bag and a doormat and complains that he has to live in an old shack like this instead of being “Prince of the Universe,” then decides to use the fog outside to make a bigger, thicker fog that no one can see through. Some days later, The Big Apple is overwhelmed by an eerie green fog that Freddy Freeman notes makes it look even more like pea soup and that he likely won’t be able to get home, so he calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. to get there easier, finding the fog is over 20,000’ into the air! He soon finds a transport plane failing to land in the fog and running out of fuel, so he carefully sets it on the ground, then has to dock a large ship and starts flying around to otherwise advise maybe people just stay home until the green fog leaves and puts out a fire (since the firefighters can’t see through the fog either.) Soon enough, Junior finds from a nearby radio personality that the green fog is everywhere after confirming it’s also happening in China and Sivana, Jr. soon hijacks the airwaves to say he’s the one who caused all this and he won’t remove it until he’s declared “Prince of the Universe.” Junior soon finds out he’s got a powerful signal going to say this and flies to his hideout, but when he attacks him, he breaks the front door open, letting the thick fog in and escapes with a special pair of fog-proof goggles. Junior looks out over the Earth to find it’s entirely covered in the green fog and just returns to Mrs. Wagner’s for now and turns back into Freddy. He reasons that he can’t sell papers to the nobody outside and Mrs. Wagner worries she can’t go buy food for everyone. Mr. Marks says that he closed and the doors and windows tightly so there wasn’t any he’d mist, but his jokes fall flat in these tempestuous times. Soon, the radio announces that the UN are thinking about making it okay. Mrs. Wagner removes her glasses when she has something in her eye and Freddy “borrows” them to see if he can make the same kind of fog-proof goggles like Sivana, Jr. has. He soon finds Sivana, Jr. on a remote platform out at sea to launch the green fog, pumping a few million cubic feet of fog more out. Junior soon breaks the machine and arrests Sivana, Jr. Later, Freddy tells Mrs. Wagner about it, who says her glasses actually work better now!

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and Sivana, Jr.'s Green Fog"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Sivana, Jr.'s Fog-Proof Goggles
    • Captain Marvel, Jr.'s Fog-Proof Glasses
      • Mrs. Wagner's New Glasses


  • A Freighter Ship
  • A Transport Plane

Synopsis for Kanvasback: "Fore"

Appearing in Kanvasback: "Fore"

Featured Characters:

  • Kanvasback

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The World Eaters!"

It’s highly cold out at Freddy’s Newsstand, so Freddy figures he may as well close up for the night, since no one else would be caught out in this wind. He finds a shivering alley cat nearby and decides to take it home for now. Mrs. Wagner finds Freddy with the cat and decides to just adopt him, naming him Toby. The next morning though, Mr. Marks is attacked by Toby and thinks that no one will believe a cat just got into his room, so he tries to discreetly go drown a cat. Freddy figures out what he’s up to and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. and saves Toby from dying in the waterfront. He also suddenly finds, when underwater, that fish are eating through the piling of the wharf and swims up to tell Mr. Marks to get off of the wharf before it collapses. He soon tries some fishing to see what’s about these maniac fish and finds it eats its way up his fishing pole (eating half of it) and carries it off to investigate the piscine pests with a scientist. He soon confirms that this new species of fish were once confined to an atomic waste river and have been irradiated with fissionable waste that have made them dangerous. He warns if they breed in open ocean… they could overrun it entirely. Soon, Junior recruits tons of fishermen to the riverbank to catch as many of the Eating Fish as they can. A car crashes into a sudden divot in the road, only for Junior to find the Eating Fish are now eating the hillside itself and quickly disperses the fish from eating more. Some miles downstream, the fishermen report that the fish are now a mile from ocean and Junior flies off to a rope factory to make a gigantic net large enough to sweep the river entirely, but two of the fish escape and begin eating a nearby boat.

Freddy, meanwhile, has returned to peddle papers, saying the atomic plant responsible is now dumping their waste elsewhere and a man pulls up to say he needs to talk to Captain Marvel, Jr. as his hulks have been disappearing entirely over the source of an hour and a steamer coming in had a huge hole in its stern and Freddy figures that some of the Eating Fish must have escaped and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to fly Toby and himself to Jefferson Bridge as Captain Marvel, Jr. once more. Though he is able to find the fish soon enough, they eat out a support girder for the bridge, making it start to collapse and he’s forced to drop them on the bridge to fix the bridge before it kills anyone. Hours later, bridge workers are able to sheer up temporary support beams and thank him for his help. Junior is shocked to find the two fish are gone now… but soon discovers that Toby has saved the world by eating the two of them. Later, Mr. Marks’ dinner is given to Toby instead to make up for his cruelty to animals and Toby saving the world from carnivorous fish that can eat anything. Mr. Marks jokes that he’s honored and now thinks Toby is the cat’s meow!

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The World Eaters!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Universally-Omnivorous Atomic Fish (Dies)

Other Characters:



  • Fishing Poles
  • A River-Sized Net



  • Despite the cover, Captain Marvel, Jr. doesn't play leap-frog on a small meteorite at all. None of his adventures have to do with space and the only time he goes into space, it's to find the whole Earth is covered in a green fog and quickly returns to it afterwards.
  • Further, Horned Toads are native only to North America, ranging from parts of Canada to lower areas of Mexico, and nowhere on the Indian subcontinent. Frogs and Toads carry some cultural attachment due to their supposed ideals of fertility or rain-summoning, but are not worshipped as any Hindu god or idols of themselves.
  • With this issue, Red O'Riley moves in to Mrs. Wagner's Boarding House.

See Also

Links and References
