DC Database

"Captain Marvel and the Rediscovery of Earth": Billy Batson is reporting on a time capsule being buried at Mt. Baldy to be opened in the distant year of 1,000,000 AD. However, a depressing, sadsack of a man named Professor Zour appears, sniffling about how humanity won’t be around and theref

Captain Marvel Adventures #103 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1949.

Synopsis for "Captain Marvel and the Rediscovery of Earth"

Billy Batson is reporting on a time capsule being buried at Mt. Baldy to be opened in the distant year of 1,000,000 AD. However, a depressing, sadsack of a man named Professor Zour appears, sniffling about how humanity won’t be around and therefore, it’s a giant waste of money. Billy asks why he thinks as much and Prof. Zour says that any number of climate or cosmic disasters will surely wipe out the human race before then. Billy offers that humans can survive any catastrophe with courage and science, but Zour says that the mighty forces of the universe will destroy them all at some point and leaves. Billy starts to feel a bit down thinking of the eventual death of the human race being an inevitability in the distant future, so he decides that some radio technicians will pick up his stuff and calls SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel. The World’s Mightiest Mortal approaches Zour and says he’s going to prove him wrong because he can travel time and hangs off the Rock of Eternity to travel to the future. Therein, Captain Marvel finds the world is encased frozen solid in ice after the sun has burnt out, leaving nothing alive. Captain Marvel is astonished to find this is the case, but decides that humans likely just went to a different planet at some point. However, he finds with the sun having dimmed, every planet in the Sol System is barren and frozen, devoid of all life. Suddenly though, a large blue rocketship wavers and lands on the icy surface as Captain Marvel legs to the door to wonder what creature will depart. However, inside, he finds normal looking blond humans wearing collared shirts under tunics and reveal that yes, humanity merely moved to another solar system entirely, prompting Captain Marvel to dance happily in place.

He enters and is taken trillions of miles away on their Ultra-Speed Ship and is shown the new home of humans, which is remarkably similar to how Earth looked. His guide begins mentioning how there are lots of planets controlled by humans, but they’re interrupted by a sudden news bulletin how Planet Zeekon is due to be destroyed by a giant fireball fired out of their sun. Captain Marvel quickly flies all six quintillion miles to get there and finds that Zeekon is also populated by humans after saving it. A man of Zeekon tells him that humans control thousands of planets and have a population of over 600,000,000,000,000! After vistiing the 100th planet in the human alliance, he soon finds an Archaealogy Bureau arguing about the location of the “Mother Earth.” They inform him that records were lost 500,000 years ago of it and they can’t leave a monument on the barren Mother Earth unless they can. Captain Marvel helps by telling them it’s in the Sol System and offers to take some of the archaeologists with him on a ship to show them where it is. He gets lost for a while after figuring that the system has moved towards the Vega System. He endeavors to dig up the Mt. Baldy Time Capsule, but finds that he can’t find it with all normal landmarks having been wiped out by time alone. In order to try to fix this, Captain Marvel uses a lab on their ship to create an “Atomic Torch,” the most powerful weapon “ever known” and uses it to reignite the sun itself, melting the global ice and lets him dig up the time capsule. As the scientists rejoice and Captain Marvel departs, they tell him that they’re naming it “the Captain Marvel Colony of Mother Earth.” Captain Marvel returns and hilariously offers Prof. Zour some salt and pepper while Zour angrily eats his hat, saying he’s going to be an optimistic person!

Appearing in "Captain Marvel and the Rediscovery of Earth"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Professor Zour

Other Characters:



  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Atomic Torch
  • The Mt. Baldy Time Capsule
  • The Sun (Destroyed)


  • Ultra-Speed Ship

Synopsis for "Captain Marvel and the Invention Miser"

Billy Batson is astonished when he sees an inventor, John Thaddeus, given the bum rush out of the Gilford Pinchwood Estate. He explains that he demanded royalties for an invention he made him a year ago, but claims that Pinchwood withheld it instead of selling it like they intended. Billy decides to have Captain Marvel talk to Pinchwood about this and calls SHAZAM as Captain Marvel finds that Gilford has a people-mover for a front walk and an automated front door, a robotic arm that receives hats and coats, and a mobility chair that drives him to meet its master. Many more robotic arms offer him pleasantries on the way there. Gilford soon appears in a similar red chair and says that he doesn’t want to sell interesting new inventions: he wants to keep them all for himself so he can live in an advanced scientific mansion of the future. Using a scanning machine attached to a small speaking robot, he shows he can “read” books via audio and Captain Marvel realizes this man is an Invention Miser, denouncing that this is selfish and wrong of him to do. Gilford plesantly asks he leave and when Captain Marvel refuses, he pulls a lever and a large robotic arm pick him up to throw him out. Captain Marvel punches it and suffers through an automated hammer to the head and a miniature cannon before he punches over Gilford and says that he intends to “convince” him to share these inventions. Gilford points out he legally owns these inventions and their patents, but legally he’s not required to sell them. Captain Marvel leaves in a huff and says he’ll teach him yet and goes to consult John Thaddeus about how to do so with an interesting invention he’s got in mind...

Later, Billy Batson meets with Gilford and experiences his superior food and beverages, which Billy enjoys, and a wardrobe of fine spun-glass suits that are fireproof and never break down. He drives Billy around his yard in his Electric Flyer, a silent hovercraft, but Billy offers that he knows a better invention for him. Gilford jealously says that he’s not done yet showing off and shows off his Floating Shoes, which can be used to walk across water and then a Radar-Television that can show any spot on Earth. Billy insists what he’s seen is still better and offers when he leaves that he’ll send around the inventor to show him. Billy sends in John Thaddeus wearing a large white beard and shows off to Gilford an inventing machine that can create anything he wants, showing him a shatterproof dish that drops out of a slot. Gilford is skeptical, but when Captain Marvel rushes in and insists he not buy it, since it’s definitely a scam that won’t work, Gilford decides that he’s trying to trick him and demands to buy it, first with cash and then with tons of patents. John Thaddeus accepts, but when Gilford goes to activate the Inventing Invention, it breaks apart into pieces and Captain Marvel points out he can’t do anything since he chose to turn over all his patents to Thaddeus for the machine and now Thaddeus can return them to the inventors to sell to an open market. Later, Billy signs off saying that the Invention Miser learned his lesson.

Appearing in "Captain Marvel and the Invention Miser"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • John Thaddeus


  • Gilford Pinchwood, an "Invention Miser"

Other Characters:



  • A People-Moving Walkway
  • Automated Front Door
  • Robotic Arm Assistants
  • Automatic Book Reader
  • Future Food and Drink
  • Radar-Television
  • Mobile Chairs
  • The Inventing Invention (Destroyed)


  • Electric Flyer
  • Floating Shoes

Synopsis for "Captain Marvel: The World's Greatest Chef!"

It is a certain day at the famed restaurant Blanders’ Grill, owned by lawful bald man Bubsy Blanders and makes the exclusive “Egret Marmallaise” which their chef Henri can only make. Billy Batson spots him sighing exaggeratedly in his doorway and learns from him that the new restaurant across the street, Club Twenty Three, has opened up and stolen all his customers with unfair business methods like having a truck driving around implying that places that aren’t Club Twenty Three are selling poisoned food. However, since they aren’t specifically claiming that his store has food that poisons people, they can’t sue them for defamation though. Billy is confident that their signature dish will still win them over with customers, but Bubsy reveals that Club Twenty Three is handing out handbills saying famed fourmet JV Utterlee claims that “No American Restaurant can prepare Egret Marmallaise properly! BE SAFE! BE SURE! BE PATRIOTIC!” and to eat at Club Twenty Three instead. This has offended Henri’s honor as a chef, making him threaten to quit. Thus, Billy calls SHAZAM and Captain Marvel confirms that Henri makes a perfect Egret Marmaillaise and says he’s going to go find JV Utterlee while Bubsy gets Henri to make more food for the critic to return. Outside, a goon working for Club Twenty Three informs its owner, Mr. Nevins, about things. Thus, he heads over to Blanders’ Grill and has a goon chloroform Henri and drags him away…

Meanwhile, Captain Marvel finds JV Utterlee is sitting in a tree, drinking sugared bamboo juice from a coconut shell with an eleven foot straw chilled for 44 ½ minutes (which theoretically can “greatly improve the taste” if you drink it at the right angle of 92º. Captain Marvel offers if he’s actually tried the Egret Marmallaise at Blanders’ Grill and, though Utterlee says he does think it has to be made perfectly and that no one in America could, he hasn’t tried yet. Unfortunately, he finds that Henri has disappeared and Captain Marvel decides he’ll have to make the dish himself, which involves cooking it medium rare for 2 minutes, 3 seconds on each side and a sauce made of a speck of garlic, a wisp of onion, a whisper of red pepper, a dash of wild verbenum and simmered for 39 seconds in a 17-year-old poppy wine in a brass pot rubbed with carrot leaves and cooked on an oven of Dutch bricks (which makes it smell best.) To achieve it, Captain Marvel flies to Holland, retrieves the bricks, builds an oven and starts up the sauce, but finds too much heat makes it suddenly pop violently and forces him to start over. Utterlee mentions that he can smell that it needs one last ingredient: a single rare Málaga grape, which Captain Marvel is able to buy off of a Spanish vintner. Shockingly, on his way back from the Costa del Sol, Mr. Nevins breaks in and drops a case of rotten eggs in to the Marmallaise sauce just before Captain Marvel can punch him over. Nevins admits to it all, but says he’s too late to stop him from Blanders’ Grill going under, so Captain Marvel throws pineapple syrup, vanilla and oil of cloves to balance it out. Captain Marvel is alack to find that Utterlee isn’t going to eat it, but he can tell just by the smell that this is perfect Egret Marmallaise… but also that his doctor has said he can only eat bread and warm milk. Later, Billy signs off saying Club Twenty Three shut down, Nevins went to prison and Henri is back to normal and makes the best food he’s ever ate… but Utterlee still says that Captain Marvel is the World’s Greatest Chef!

Appearing in "Captain Marvel: The World's Greatest Chef!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bubsy Blanders
  • JV Utterlee


  • Mr. Nivens

Other Characters:

  • Chef Henri



  • Egret Marmaillaise
    • Ruined Egret Marmaillaise
      • Dutch Bricks
      • A Single Málaga Grape
      • Pineapple Syrup
      • Rotten Eggs
      • Vanilla
      • Oil of Cloves
  • Chilled and Sugared Bamboo Juice in a Coconut Shell
    • Eleven-Foot Straw


Synopsis for "Captain Kid: Captain Kid and the Package of Trouble"

A rich French woman, Madame Fifi, offers Pudgy a dime to deliver a hat for her, but Captain Kid dashes in to intercept the order and is told to take it to the Podunk Arms Apartments and go through the front door to give it to Mrs. Powderhorn. Pudgy denounces Captain Kid for stealing an easy job from him while he takes pictures and offers that he will expose his phoniness to their mutual friends. Captain Kid ignores him entirely and dashes up to Podunk Arms Apts and is turned away by the doorman who insists deliveries are received in the back. Pudgy reminds him he was ordered to go through the front and Captain Kid tries to and the doorman keeps throwing him out again. Pudgy offers to take a compromising photo without context of a doorman beating a child, but when Captain Kid goes to do so, Pudgy says it was "still focusing". When Captain Kid does it again, Pudgy reveals he’s got no film in his camera. Captain Kid angrily turns the hat over to Pudgy, demanding he do it and Pudgy meekly approaches the doorman, saying the hat is for Mrs. Powderhorn… and is immediately rewarded with a dollar for a tip as the doorman says he can take the package up himself! Captain Kid, beaten and embarrassed, says he’s seen everything!

Appearing in "Captain Kid: Captain Kid and the Package of Trouble"

Featured Characters:

  • Captain Kid

Supporting Characters:

  • Pudgy


  • A Surly Doorman

Other Characters:

  • Madame Fifi
  • Mrs. Powderhorn (Mentioned only)


  • Earth-S
    • Podunk
      • Madame Fifi's Hat Shop
      • Podunk Arms Apartments


  • A Hat in Box for Mrs. Powderhorn
  • Pudgy's Camera


Synopsis for "Captain Marvel and the Wish Factory"

Wishes are granted and approved by a large “Wish Factory,” wherein works a worker named Oompar who dressed like an elf and works too slowly at his job, upsetting his Wish Factory Supervisor. Oompar implores that he needs time to figure out the merits of wishes he’s offered, but his Supervisor tells him to hurry up and do it faster anyways or he’ll be reassigned to sweeping up discarded wish applications. As he begins losing track of what he can approve or deny, his Supervisor runs in and informs him he’s accidentally approved a wish specifically from Billy Batson, but did it wrong applying it to everyone at Station WHIZ! The Supervisor drags Oompar by his large ear to a ladder and orders him out of the Wishing Well where their Factory is and demands he fix it himself with no guidance further.

Oompar soon arrives at Station WHIZ to make sure that he has to make sure nobody makes a wish there until sunset. Billy is grumbling in his office to Miss Jameson that he has to do his broadcast in a few minutes, but he really wants to watch a football game instead and that he could broadcast it himself. Miss Jameson casually wishes that an earthquake could happen so they wouldn’t have to broadcast, which immediately starts one! Billy calls SHAZAM so Captain Marvel can stabilize Station WHIZ and cements each brick back in place, helps a motorist who’s car is trapped in a crevasse (which he pulls shut with his hands) and replants a big tree in the park by hand. Captain Marvel goes back to talk to Oompar about this wish talk but finds an angry Mr. Morris stomping around, furious that Billy isn’t doing his report and wishes he were 1,000,000 miles away! Captain Marvel finds he disappears and Oompar tells him that he wished it… so it happened! Captain Marvel manages to fly out into deep space after him before he almost is hit by a flying meteor and returns him to Earth where he is pretty chilly afterwards. The World’s Mightiest Mortal goes to talk to Oompar about the wish nonsense as the sun sets and Oompar explains everything, saying that once the sun sets completley, they’ll be fine. Suddenly though, they hear gunfire and find gangsters with bandanas tied over their faces are trying to hold up the Bankroll Quiz Program’s $10,000 prize! Seeing it, Captain Marvel rushes after one of the goons as he runs off, prompting Oompar to foolishly wish he had Captain Marvel’s strength, unknowingly stealing it all from the World’s Mightiest Mortal! The masked goon is shocked to find that Captain Marvel punching him in the nose was almost nothing and brashly pushes past him to leave. Captain Marvel quickly flies Oompar in to let him punch over the goon and wishes for his own strength back once he does. Oompar says he deserves to be fired for his constant failures, but Captain Marvel says he just needs one more wish out of him, racing him up to the roof where he can still see the sun setting and Oompar wishes that he were back at the Wish Factory and was the most fast and efficient worker there, getting it just in time as the sun sets below the horizon. Billy signs off later saying that he’s been assigned to announce football games from now on and wonders who could’ve granted his wish! Meanwhile, Oompar brags that now he’s the Supervisor and he’s paid back Billy with a special favor!

Appearing in "Captain Marvel and the Wish Factory"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Oompar


  • The Wish Supervisor
  • Unnamed Quiz Show Burglars

Other Characters:

  • The Bankroll Quiz Program Host




See Also

Links and References
