DC Database

"Capt. Marvel Makes a Movie Hit": Sterling Morris dispatches Billy to Hollywood, because a movie studio he owns stock in is going bankrupt. Upon arrival, Billy finds out it's because they're having a serious staffing shortage because most of their former employees are in the army. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel Adventures #27 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1943.

Synopsis for "Capt. Marvel Makes a Movie Hit"

Sterling Morris dispatches Billy to Hollywood, because a movie studio he owns stock in is going bankrupt. Upon arrival, Billy finds out it's because they're having a serious staffing shortage because most of their former employees are in the army. Captain Marvel joins them in shooting a drama, but hijinks ensue, and the movie's well-received as an unintentional comedy instead. Cecil B. Demille buys the movie for enough to lift the studio out of its financial woes.

Appearing in "Capt. Marvel Makes a Movie Hit"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Tim Moore (Director)
  • Col. Witherspoon (Cameraman)
  • Madame Gluemour


  • X. X. Gould (Banker)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Pledge of the Gremlins"

Appearing in "The Pledge of the Gremlins"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Captain Smythe
  • Cadet Horace Hornbloe
  • Madame Gluemour


  • Gremlins

Other Characters:




  • Z-90 Bomber

Synopsis for "The Arabian Nights of Today"

Appearing in "The Arabian Nights of Today"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Ali
  • Neela
  • Shah Pasha Puss


  • Abdullah Aboo-Boo

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Monster Society of Evil, Chapter 6: Mr. Mind on Earth"

Dispirited, Captain Marvel returns to Earth. Reverting to Billy, he tries to take his mind off his failure to catch Mr. Mind by helping Steamboat build a rock garden. Meanwhile, Mr. Mind's ship lands on Earth. He builds another castle fortress and uses a ray to make worms and termites chew through the foundations of a skyscraper. In the middle of his usual broadcast, Billy sees the building start to topple. He changes to Captain Marvel and saves it from disaster, but finds a hunk of debris with a message warning of more to come chewed into it by Mr. Mind's army of vermin.

Steamboat looks in an empty lot for more rocks for his garden. He finds what he thinks is a toy castle a child threw away, and adds it to the garden.

When city hall nearly topples, Mr. Mind arrives in a tiny spaceship along with three of his minions to force them to turn over control of the city to him. Marvel fights back and defeats the minions, but Mr. Mind himself flies away before he can be caught. Back at the rock garden, Billy is captured by more of Mr. Mind's army of criminals, tied up and left in the basement of the building before the termites bring it down too. Fortunately, some of them are attracted to smudges of chocolate cake on his face and eat through his gag, letting him change to Captain Marvel and save the building. Inspecting the rock garden again, Marvel finds the tiny replica of Mr. Mind's fortress, and realizes he was there the whole time. Steamboat finds a talking worm in his apple, and Marvel realizes it can only be Mr. Mind himself, then prepares to stomp on the tiny villain.

Appearing in "The Monster Society of Evil, Chapter 6: Mr. Mind on Earth"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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