DC Database

"Capt. Marvel in Buffalo": Billy's visiting the water-pumping station of Buffalo, New York. A man in a stovepipe hat shoots a bullet through a window, but Billy becomes Captain Marvel and catches it in midair. He realizes something nefarious was intended, as the bullet was filled with a potent c

Captain Marvel Adventures #31 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1944.

Synopsis for "Capt. Marvel in Buffalo"

Billy's visiting the water-pumping station of Buffalo, New York. A man in a stovepipe hat shoots a bullet through a window, but Billy becomes Captain Marvel and catches it in midair. He realizes something nefarious was intended, as the bullet was filled with a potent chemical. The next day, a public demonstration where "Power Water" is being handed out to any interested party takes place. Any who imbibe it go cross-eyed, even Captain Marvel. This turns the entire town into a population of confused, clumsy lummoxes. Captain Marvel manages to catch the man in the stovepipe hat, who'd shot another bullet of his formula into the drum of Power Water, and thus paralyzed Buffalo's wartime industries. Fortunately, the inventor who'd been peddling the Power Water has another invention that makes the wearer go cross-eyed...or if they're already cross-eyed, to see normally. Marvel puts on a pair, and with his super-powers flies around town doing a day's work in every plant to prevent any disruption.

The saboteur turns out not to be an Axis agent, just a miser who hated seeing other people making more money than him. Even what appeared to be Swastikas on the soles of his shoes were really just "the Indian sign".

Appearing in "Capt. Marvel in Buffalo"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Capt. Marvel Fights His Own Conscience"

Appearing in "Capt. Marvel Fights His Own Conscience"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Repeal of Gravity"

The council of gods meets to hear proposals on new cosmic laws. A young god named Gogol nominates they repeal the law of gravity, which is "an old cheesy law". The motion passes, and the proposal to repeal gravity goes through. Soon people and objects are flying off the ground all over the place, too many for even Captain Marvel to keep contained. A scientist who just invented a souped-up telescope floats by, and tells the hero about where the council of the gods meet.

Marvel flies to demand action, but finds aliens who've been waiting to be heard for centuries. Unwilling to wait, he storms in, and Gogol angrily starts repealing the existence of Captain Marvel. Before he has a chance, the hero throws the book of every law since the dawn of time at him and stuns the impetuous god. The chairman exiles Gogol to the end of the universe to contemplate his actions, and gravity's voted back on the books.

Appearing in "The Repeal of Gravity"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "The Monster Society of Evil Chapter 10: The Booby Traps of Mr. Mind"

Captain Marvel saves the general and returns him to his base. There, he praises the ingenuity of the Marines using flame throwers to burn the webs off all their tangled equipment. Mr. Mind and his scientist comrades are saved from drowning when he uses his voice transmitter to call a Japanese sub to pick them up and take them to his nearest lab, on "Island Z."

Meanwhile, the Marines are about to be deployed to seize Island Z as part of their island-hopping mission to the Japanese mainland. Captain Marvel agrees to take a break from hunting down Mr. Mind to lead their attack, discovering the worm's lab complex in the process. Finding it to be full of booby traps, Marvel decides to spring them all to save the normal soldiers any injury.

Mr. Mind was anticipating this, however, and one trap plays a recording of him saying "Shazam," which causes a lightning bolt to appear and change him back to Billy. Robotic hands appear to then bind and gag Billy while he's helpless, then toss him into a rocket ship that shoots the helpless teen to the planet Punkus. Home of the wicked Crocodile Men, and where Mr. Mind's next major weapon is kept: the miles-long cannon Great Big Bertha, which Mr. Mind boasts he'll use to shoot thousand-mile long holes in America.

Appearing in "The Monster Society of Evil Chapter 10: The Booby Traps of Mr. Mind"

  • Appearances not yet listed

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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